this is definately one of the games i will pick when i buy ps4, So far this and killzone shadowfall looked like the ones i will buy along with console. I hope The Order has co op option. Still waiting for next Uncharted, though i wish to see some new Ip's from Sony like they did by bringing UC, Infamous and last of us on ps3.
@masterace202 its hard because fans want the sequels to be more harder. DK games have always been more difficult as compared to mario, rayman and that is what sets it apart from them. Personally DK tropical freeze reminded me of lion king after seeing one of the levels.
Guys who say this DK game is extremely challenging , My advice is try the Snes version and see the difficulty level where there is no such thing as power bar one hit and you are done. I am sure by comparison DK tropical freeze is more easy than the previous generations version.
@GameBeaten Everyone has different opinion, I prefer Uncharted 2 over 3 because it had excellent gameplay. I think one of the best games from sony was uncharted 2 and i wish to see uncharted 4 more like uncharted 2 but thats just my opinion.
Gears of war is the top best 3rd person shooter and uncharted is one of the best 3D platformer adventure action game.
whoever loves 2D platformer will surely enjoy DK tropical freeze. All the complains sound really dumb like graphics are dull or it is too challenging because it is meant to be the most difficult platformer since super nes
i dont have any likes or dislikes for any reviewer though i do not agree with some of the reviews on GS which is very normal feeling. But i do not get why ppl compare the initial game review with the DLC review, for god sake both are different. One means additional content and the other is a initial required game. The DLC is the review and comparison with any other DLC. The game was given low score as compared to whatever the reviewer thought it lacked. I wouldn't competently agree with Tom but why are people comparing DLC review with Initial game.
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