@flock_of_jawas @rIVAL_sWORD84 last i ran Riven sequel to myst and i got the blue screen error for the gfx card so i only run mame emulator on a 3 year old laptop.. so i dont want to risk screwing this laptop.
@Sharkspawn80 ok forget about windwaker , lets talk about MGS HD collection, Jak and Daxter trilogy or whatnot.... all games are released at least after more than after 4 years + My point is not comparing Nintendo specifically, But highlighting Square Enix Greed.
at least Wind waker HD was released after the whole generation of wii console i can understand why it was released at full price. But what justifies tomb raider on ps4 if it is going to be sold at full price after only a year of launch on ps3.
GS stop comparing the hand held to indoor gaming console.The game was amazing for an handheld and it was one of the reason for me to buy vita since i love the Assassins creed series. But the game is not worth porting onto ps3/ xbox 360 since the game doesn't have as big of an open world unless they price the game around 10$. If someone doesn't have vita and have no interest buying it good for you guys but the game will not be a great experience since it was meant to be on hand held. Its almost similar to Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker which was to short compared to metal gear solid 3, 4
@mischiefmeerkat Dude x360 4 GB Slim / Ps3 12 GB super Slim consoles are for about 190$ - 210$ at retail and online Please get your facts right. 200 X 5 = 1000. You have proved my point since you built a rig a year ago for 1000$.
rIVAL_sWORD84's comments