@abHS4L88 @LindBergh2007 but a console doesn't do what a tablet or smart phone can do. One is useful for something then also plays games and entertainment.... instead of the other way around with consoles: useless except for games and entertainment.
I don't think they are doing as well as they think they are doing - my wife still thinks it is an add-on. Others I have heard say their old Wii might need replacing and are confused at why this one is so much more expensive than a standard Wii... I think the majority of the world still thinks is is a Wii revamp more than a new console.
It is easy to see where the confusion is. NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii - all have very distinct names. They must be different. Wii U sounds the same with minor improvements (similar to a iPhone 4 and 4S. sure they are different, but not much right?) - Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3. Clearly there is major progression there. The numbers get bigger. Xbox, Xbox 360 - again, huge jump and a change in number. So you either have to name it different, or increment #'s.
It doesn't help that consumers will be able to use the same controllers. While actually good, that only enforces the idea that it is the same thing with a tablet this time.
@saucex4 The important part of that comment to me is the note of how this is what AAA does. You are right and there is only one way to tell AAA to stuff it and that is to not buy it until it is the price or value one wants. I'm pretty sure I'll get both eventually, but I see no reason to rush into BL2 since their DLC announcements and the history that their last release didn't go so hot right out of the gate.
And on a side note, I don't think cost to make is a valid reason to pay more for something. It could cost a crap ton to make FPS game 'X' but that doesn't mean it should be worth more by default.
I do want to say I appreciated your comment - it is good to see others views in a well thought out manner.
@GamespotAudio No it is simple economics. Why pay $60 for something I can wait on a few months and get for $30? It's not like there are a bunch of games I don't have on my backlog or anything that I can't play in the mean-time.
I'm actually pretty excited for Borderlands 2, the first was one of my favorite shooters and all. But in the comparison I like to support companies that don't treat me like a money tree willing to soak up anything they produce in however many increments they want.
@demonkingx5 No, actually you can't. What you describe is called piracy... So you your statement should say: "great, most of these games I can just pirate on a PC emulator" -
yeah, developers shouldn't care what you think because you don't pay for them anyhow.
That is the worst news about this... Borderlands 2 is right next to it. That's okay, I would rather play this one at $20 than Borderlands 2 at $60+30 for DLC. I support the complete games instead of the DLC whored out games. I get those as a GOTY edition. Bring on Torchlight 2.
This would be news if they all played on one console, say the PS3 or something. That would be pretty sweet and not just appear as the lame cash grab this is currently.
A community that isn't a bunch of trash? it sounds great, amazingly fun, and worth a try for a change. Online is where the trash goes and it is unfortunate that so many of us have to go there and deal with all the trash despite just wanting to play a game with normal people like themselves. This is right on so many levels it is worth supporting with my money.
I picked it up when it was in the humble indie bundle for real cheap - no DRM and was pretty fun for while I played it. I might support this simply because I think better games need to get to the device and this would be one of them - if the controls don't suck.
raahsnavj's comments