@N3rdk0r3 that's a pretty dumb comment. No one forced you to move to an OS that doesn't support the game you paid for. That is like complaining to people that made regular Xbox games that their crap doesn't work on the X360. The people that changed consoles, and the console manufacturer removing backward compatibility are to blame - not the developers.
@blueboxdoctor Well the ME trilogy didn't actually have the full games in it. You still have to go to DLC hell to get the whole thing. This at least has it ALL in one set.
Even then you are right, both are a rip off and a clear cash grab.
At this point in time the Resident Evil series sits at that transition of finding a new crowd that likes the gameplay type and losing those that don't like the direction it is going. So you get the people that hate it (liked the old RE) and the people that don't mind it (those that never liked RE and finally decided to play it).
Hopefully the transition works out for them as they go from one type of fan to the next.
Awesome! oh wait, ME3? um... why would any care about the 3rd game in a trilogy finally making it to the Wii U? Oh yeah, just in case you missed it, and the 2nd, and the first. It must be the only game with an 'M' rating on it for the console and they have to keep making news reports for it.
Funny that. Something with 4 player local co-op and online co-op if one would rather go that route is a break-out hit? who would have guessed?! Oh yeah, everyone that needed a nice local multiplayer game since Castle Crashers.
raahsnavj's comments