The more I hear about gaming publishers thinking of selling this as a 'service' the more it sounds like they want to turn gaming into cable. Something you have to subscribe to and pay and pay and pay never owning anything.
There is a reason I play games and not watch TV all day. Turn gaming into a model like cable or dish and you can bet I'll find something else to do again.
And no, I don't want to facebook like your game, or your achievement, or someone else and have them join my network. I don't want to tweat it, or post a picture about it. I don't want what I do as I game to be going 'everywhere'... maybe I'm old fashioned and all but I want to play games to get away from other things, not for people to creep into my gaming too.
Without a constant internet connection how else are they going to calculate "pollution" for the region and other things that affect each other in my video game 'region' - oh yeah, there isn't single player in this is there? either that or can't wait for EA to turn off their servers with this one - another full priced rental.
I expected to see something in this article and complain that games are not the problem and he got it wrong... actually reading the quote though I actually agree with him.
The media conglomerates really are a "race to the bottom," and in fact compete with each other to "shock, violate, and offend every standard of civilized society."
He isn't attacking games really, but certain types of games, music, videos, and media that offer no real positive value for society as a whole. I can only support that message.
@Python308 I'm not against their enthusiasm or anything but only the game they choose to pick - of all the games to front line a charity drive with they have to pick Assassin's Creed?!
This is face palm material when you look at it from a non-gamer perspective.
@TohouAsura I don't think they are giving the games to the children, but rather forcing themselves to play it for cash donations that will be donated to charity.
But yeah, I agree - of all the games to play a marathon with to benefit children and they picked Assassin's Creed? Play a Mario "everything" marathon or something goodness.
At least we can be thankful they didn't abbreviate Assassins at all though with the game - Ass4Kids just doesn't have the same ring to it - about the same morality though.
Oh, and I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea - as a doubter of how fugly the game is I avoided it for a long time... but this is one of the best open world sandbox games ever. It is just plain awesome to play - unless looks are all you are into.
and yet they still haven't got it patched to a reasonable patch level. If you love this game please move on to the PC edition already. This is a good starter game (I started here myself) but it is a dog-turd in comparison to the PC edition. And you can still play offline mode on the PC for FREE to try it out.
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