Ah! so that is why it is so important to have TV on the xbox, you can watch TV while you wait for someone to actually show up to play online with that meets 'acceptable' criteria.
@jflkdjs @Tauu I don't have a 3DS for direct comparison right now, but I have a XL and I can barely stand to view my old DS Lite anymore because of how small the screen is. Totally worth it IMO - though I don't actually try to carry it with me all the time - Portable system for trips and such or before bedtime.
I'm pretty sure their Fire Emblem + Shin Megami Tensei IV = $30 credit on your account will continue the trend as well. At least for 3DS owners.
I have to say I'm pretty happy with Nintendo myself. Between me taking 40+ hours on Fire Emblem (and I didn't even finish all the stuff, just the story and such), SMT IV being really fun, and the My Nintendo rewards (which gave me a free game - only a $7 value, but still) I would have to say I'm looking forward to everything else they have up their sleeves.
For those that were around a few months ago they had buy one get one free for Mario 3D Land / Luigi's mansion (and some other games).
Seriously, if you wanted a 3DS and were holding out to see if FE or SMT IV were any good just get out there and get it. Great stuff all around.
I didn't mind horizon, but a game more along the lines of AC6 would be better. I hate to say it, but the stories in these games are pretty lame, and this is coming from a person that pretty much only plays single player. I would love to see it run more like a never ending career building type game. Where I do sorties every mission with different objectives / different planes and I can get promoted, fly more planes, have harder missions, etc.
Does anyone make a good flight game along those lines?
"tweak its pricing models" - or in other words, figure out how to make as many whales as possible. If they are willing to give it might as well take it right? Make sure those models border on what is acceptable by ethics.
raahsnavj's comments