Is it just me or does it seem that delays are everywhere now. At the Begining of 07 I had a game pick out for every month for the first half of the year. Jan - Lp, feb - Crackdown, mar - two worlds, arp - army of two/AC/haze, may/june/july - mass effect, eternal sonata, kane & lynch and blue dragon. Two world is dropping may. I dont know where haze is. Now army of two, ac, kane n lynch are coming late 07. It gonna be a drought for a while for me.
I haven't really looked for a wii since early January and after my friend left his wii with me for the weekend im starting to like it. Do people still have to wait for shipments and wait outside for the wii or is the availability much better now?
I would love it if the wii stopped putting out mini game video games like rayman, trama center, and wario ware. Zelda TP was a good start but they can do so much more. Online play would be nice too.
[QUOTE="skylerpwns"]Based on what Rare did to Perfect Dark, I'm not very optimistic about this game.wooooode
Yeah it is not the same Rare that made all the great N64 titles, they have not made a single AAA title for M$. I would be happy to see a 8.8. Well you cant count em out. Nintendo messed up on n64 n gamecube but people arent countng them out. Give em time.
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