I wanted to know about the cable becuase my 60 gig died and i had bought an extra power cable and hdmi cord so i could have cords preran for both my TVs it makes switching from the living room to my pc room much much faster when my wife starts to **** about wanting to watch tv. so thanks for the replys guys guess i will start searching for another power cable when i buy the slim. anyone know if it uses the same one the ps2 uses?I think the cable is just shaped differently. I dont see why you need to know that...
but EVERYTHING else is the same. it just looks crappier and its scaled down smaller.
railroberto2007's forum posts
does the slim use a differant power cable then the old ps3? also is the 120 gb hdd 5400 rpm? i might not even bother sticking my old 250gb hdd in there if the 120 is faster
just got an xbox 360 only looking for recommendations on exclusives. i was thinking about gears of war 1 and mass effect are those good? or should i go with fable 2 and left for dead?
It isn't just DLC because Harmonix are actually putting real effort into the game, unlike band-centric Guitar Hero games. Not to mention the fact The Beatles are one of the most influential bands in music history, so its only fitting they'd get their own game.
I believe it was a stipulation in aquiring the license to use the songs that it get a full game and not just DLC. Personally, I would much rather just have the songs. Hopefully if I buy it, there will be an option to export all the songs and add them to my RB2 collection, like there was for RB1 songs.
They have stated that there will be no import or export option for rockband beatles
i was playing on the big projection tv on the living room till the ball and chain started complaining about watching tv so i bought a 32 inch lcdsony bravia from walmart for 458 bucks and i now play on that in my computer room and let me tell you it looks ten times better on the sony. best purchase ive made for gaming.
Here is my two cents. The 60GB is very reliable, just keep it clean dust free and in a wide open area on a hard surface (no carpet underneath. Not in a contained space, etc.) Ive read on many forums and sites that the 60GB has the highest YLOD rate of all the PS3's but this is mainly due to the fact that people didn't follow the instructions of keepin it in a open space and off carpet. So even though the 60GB has some higher failure rates, its mainly because people are to stupid to realize that it needs to breathe. If you get a 60GB PS3 i can almost guarantee you, you wont regret it. It has the best backwords compatibility of all the PS3s if you love playing PS2/1 games its the system for you. Personally. I have the 80GB PS3 (not a new one the 1st Generation 80GB PS3 the one with the Backwords Compatibility and 4 USB slots) I couldn't be happier with it. Does everything the 60 does. And I haven't run into a single PS2 game or 1 for that matter it couldn't tackle. RobertHorry5
Well i had mine for two years. it was dusted everyday , sat on its own table on top in wide open space with a air conditioning vent 4 feet from it and last week pow i got the ylod. I took better care of my ps3 then anything i own. i lived in fear of it breaking down since i got it. If it was an issue of where it was sitting then you wouldnt be seeing a mass 60 gig failure at around the 2 to 3 year mark. i hope non of yours break down. but also you have to think maybe the others arent breaking yet becuase they havent reached their 3 year mark yet. Either way im getting mine fixed for free and when i get it back im trading it in and then using that money on a new one. also i played mine about 30 hours a week for two years, thats 3120 hours! if it was a issue of where it was sitting then it would have overheated long long ago.
well i did it i got an xbox. im not going to lie ive bashed on it some the past couple years. even made a few rrod comments. i got what was coming to me tho my ps3 got the ylod. so touche i guess. well anyway while i wait for a ps3 slim to come out i thought id do the xbox thing. so far im loving xbox live it really is awesome. im wanting some suggestions for some of the awesome games ive missed out on. i want you to list your top 5 favorite xbox 360 titles i dont care how old or new they are. thanks
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