A sneak preview for Street Fighter IV was released a few days ago and I've had a chance to check out the trailer.
While the vidoe serves no other purpose than to announce the existance of SFIV and create some 'froth and bubble' for the game, it's certainly done its job, with over 1000 comments on GameSpot already, across the two stories here and here.
The frustrating thing about knowing about a game/film/album/book well ahead of release is the dreadfully slow wait. And the bigger the fan you are, the longer the wait feels.
Fortunately I've built up a tollerance after waiting for two Lord of the Rings sequels, numerous videogame sequels (Halo, GTA, Zelda, Metal Gear, Mario etc.) and years of listening to music. Still, it's always a matter of playing the waiting game.
That's why I love Apple's approach of keeping their cards close to their chest, then dropping an announcement with (virtually) immediate supply, at least in the case of iPods. This wasn't possible with the iPhone, due to FCC requirements, and we had to endure months of the iPhone dominating tech news headlines.
The risk with too much hype is the pressure to live up to it. Let's hope that Street Fighter IV is a more memorable experience than III was.
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