[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="tonythestudent"]Yes tango because your posts are always so full of insight, objective and always on topic :roll:tango90101
if you actually read them i addressed:
1. walmarts committment to low prices.
2. walmarts history of taking biz from other big box retailers.
3. walmarts history of hi def hardware.
4. NA and EU backing of hd dvd, giving walmart a market waaaaaaaay too big to ignore.
5. pricing advantages of hd dvd over bluray and how they fall in line with Walmart's philosophy.
6. the importance of hardware over software sales at this point.
yet, you ignored ALL of that, for "Yes tango because your posts are always so full of insight, objective and always on topic "..?
just. wow.
Most of those are extensions of your opinion. However, since you present them as fact and allow no room for debate, or the possibility that you may be wrong, you stifle any meaningful debate.
the fact you called them opinions just PROVED you have ZERO knowledge of walmart..
i'm out for lunch...
c-ya soon...;)
I never said they were your opinions.
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