I hope I get to finish Two Worlds 2 someday. I did enjoy it but then other games starting coming and I have not had time since. Skyrim-Heavy Rain-BatmanAC and Mass Effect 2 are all on my play list. The game was fun though and if its combat was improved I think they would really have something. By the way out of the games I mentioned excluding Skyrim which would you say is the most fun?
@lord_superior Thanks for the tip, I was thinking of doing the same thing with enchating. I have made quite a few rings and I figured if I maxed Enchant and then sold them I would be improving two important skills. Would this work the same way? I realize that Smithing is probably the cheaper option but what skills do I need in the Smith tree to make this work? Thanks for the help man.
I still can't seem to post in the forums for no specific reason but I wanted to make sure I understand Enchanting 1. To learn an enchantment just disenchant and you will learn that specific one. 2. Then I need a Soul Gem to add the enchantment to a weapon or armor. The size of the gem and my enchant skill determine the power. 3. What do I do to recharge an enchanted weapon though? The damage skills from Destruction don't have any influence do they? Thanks for your time.
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