so...if the roles are would be alright?? bill dies instead of tess, ellie escorting joel instead of the other way round, why not change all the murderous MAN to WOMAN too??
man as the murderous crazy a**-s*** enemy is always alright, but woman NPC dying for character progression is not??
i believe that even if the role is changed....things will remain the same...male NPC dying will be alright and crazy female enemy will be another topic for debate again
great changes to the policy...still dislike the kinect and the $100 extra price tag.....other than that..i find the one time internet check-in per game is good as it prevents piracy from happening...but..i'm still sticking to my ps3 & x360 and wait a couple of years for them to iron out any issues on the consoles
dead space is becoming like resident evil...we have enough scares from the early few series till there is no way they can scare or provide any horror elements to people who have played through all the series....players will know that the necromorphs will come from the ceiling vents, the wall vents...they will also know where are the weaknesses of each necromorphs...EA either have to re-do the whole series or the dead space series is dead.....
@gameguy182 @ravager1989 i have never played any Mega Man games before...but from what i is a 2D side scrolling game...they might have the absorbing power mechanic...but i doubt they have the 'hunting' yea...if thats the case...Prototype copied Mega Man and Infamous Second Son copied Prototype 2 (since the hunting mechanic appeared in prototype 2 not 1)
@BlackDiamond81 infamous 2 came out 2 years yea...aint my bad they do not know...further more...they need to play the previous Infamous to know the hero is i take it that they have played both the prequels
ravager1989's comments