@squall_83 @ravager1989 @Chimek @N4o7A yes..i am not jumping into next gen yet...probably becos i believe that there will be some issues that need fixing during the course of it release...most likely jumping into it in a couple of years time since ps3 will become obsolete soon
@squall_83 @ravager1989 @Chimek @N4o7A u cant compare xbox to ps3...everyone knows they have to pay to play on the xbox....i'm comparing the playstation now...one is free..the other is pay...furthermore, i believe that not everyone is into psn.....personally, i'm not into graphics..if the gampelay is good, i am a happy man...if i get to play it for free online as well...that makes me even happier
@Chimek @N4o7A @ravager1989 yes...we know ps3 online play will be free but for games like Destiny, which will be released on ps3 and ps4......one gets to play for free..the other needs to pay to play....see the differences?
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