"'it's like, so there's an outline on the screen with the EyeToy…'"
All they need is for someone 'older' to end up playing this 'game' with someone 'younger'...I hope you can see how that could land them in hot water legally speaking
Are you dense, playing dumb or do you lack basic reading comprehension skills (or some combo thereof)?
The topic of jokes are things that make us uncomfortable. Jokes and the subsequent laughter are the mind's way of relieving the social stress that accompanies the uncomfortableness.
I did not feel it was necessary to go over the most common joke/comedian topics. But it seems stupidity has forced me to break this down to the most rudimentary level.All one has to do is look at the two most common topics (race and sex/sex relations/sexual relations).What would be unfunny and uncomfortable in MOST situations is suddenly funny/acceptable in another social situation.
Why is this? Why are we not 'free' to laugh at it one situation, but we are 'free' to laugh at it in another.
If you can't answer that question yourself, then I suggest you read a social psychology book. I don't teach for free, and that is all the free tutoring you will receive from me
Not to get too much into the psychology of humor.BUTJokes ARE things that make us uncomfortable/mad/etc.That is the point.It is the mind's way of coping with said things
@Wyckid That was exactly my point. I remember paying $100+ even for some games....not to mention that PS1, NES, etc all would cost far more than $60 with inflation
I agree that $60 is the market price, but your later statement is ignoring quite a bit of history.Games used to cost far more both with and without inflation
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