Please give him a break... after all he is JAPANESE and English is not his native language... it is understandable that he used the wrong word to describe it
@Trickymaster you will want to start with MGS3: snake eater, then continue with MG peacewalker, then MGS (PS1) and finally MGS2... the missing piece in the story is peacewalker... I think it should not be difficult to grasp the story if you play in the sequence like I have suggested. Then MGS4 should be played last.
Regardless, I still love Kojima's work... Halo designer: Why the hell did people even asked his opinion? He can go F himself for all I care... don't like the game, don't buy it, simple.
"This is not a prequel and this is not a follow-on chapter that extends the story," designer Ananda Gupta told GameSpot. "Instead, [it's] the same alien invasion that you confronted in XCOM: Enemy Unknown, but with a lot of new stuff added."
A little confused with this statement here... so this $40/30 expansion does not expand the story? then WTF would I wanna wasted my money on this?!
for 40 dollars I have a bad feeling about this. When developers and publishers try to cash in on these "expansion packs", they will usualy destroy the feel of the original game and in the process create a mess out of the series. for a heavy $40 they should have gone into full swing development and release a sequel for the fans... to pay $40 for the console version is just plain insulting to the console owners, hey we support your games and you are preferentially charging us more?
Learn from EA ... their expansions for Dragon age were not well received by most core gamers, and their short development time for DA2 resulted in recycled dungeons which was a real eye sore...
I am sad they decided to ruin my favourite Xcom by doing this expansion thingy
@arqe @TitanPolaris I am not against going digital either. Your view is a rational one. It is just that a select few companies/developers/publishers have taken us old school gamers for granted. There should be a good balance between digital and physical content. For example many of the players here pointed out that for a digital copy without boxes/papers/manuals, the price should be significantly cheaper than the physical copy( Yeah, the companies are so called: "going Green") Please don't rip off gamers with almost the same price and take us for fools. Example: EA
raycpt's comments