real45's forum posts
obviously, but this is a high school level student, so its fascinating :)[QUOTE="nickyb628"][QUOTE="Disturbed_Dude"]Doesn't the fact that it takes more energy to produce the reaction than what energy is created defeat the whole purpose of the machine? I'm sure the top scientists of the world have done this already with more efficiency. MagnumPI
Fascinating? Sure kids don't understand many of thing because they don't have much worldy experience, but they aren't dumb.
Or stupid as some want them.[QUOTE="mr111111"][QUOTE="gameguy6700"][QUOTE="qwerty2305"]Here are 10 ways to easily debunk Evolution. Remember, this is a theory not a fact. Even in Darwins original book the Theory of Evolution. He wrote a whole page in that book called " Errors with my theory". He wrote down many mistakes that could disprove Evolution. There are also many many videos on Youtube which disprove Evolution.
1. To produce a living thing you must start with a living thing. Evolution requires non-living matter to turn into a living thing and this has NEVER been observed. (This debunks Evolution alone)
2. No mechanism has been put forward that even begins to explain how something like the human eye could have been produced by time, chance and natural selection and mutation.
3. Natural Selection ( better adapted organisms surviving to pass genetic material) cannot produce Evolution because it produces no NEW genetic material.
4. Sir Fred Hoyle, of Cambridge University stated that statistically the chances of one cell evolving was the same as a Tornado passing through a junkyard and giving you a fully functional Jet Plane.
5. According to the theory of Evolution, at some time in the distant past there was no life in the universe -- just elements and chemical compounds. Somehow, these chemicals combined and came life.
6. Scientists dont really know how life came to be. Even Stanley Miller, whose experiments are cited in most bioligy text books says the origin of life is still unkown. The idea that dead material came to life all by itself is not consistent with scientific observation.
7. There are many creatures which defy evolution. Such as the Giraffe and Woodpecker bird.
8. There is no fossil evidence to prove man evolved from ape.
9. Where are the fossils of half evolved dinosaurs and or other creatures?
10. Evolution involves to much chance and coincidence for it to work. This makes it highly unlikely to have happened.
-Evolution has never been observed. -Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics. -There are no trandsitional fossils. -The theory of Evolution says life originated, and Evolution proceeds by random chance. -Evolution is only a theory, it has not been proved.
I also have many many more ways to disprove and debunk Evolution.
1. There's a basic lab experiment you can do, involves mixing some chemicals that I'm not going to bother to look up, but basically you create the water conditions found on earth before there was life. if you strike the mix with electricity (lightning) it causes a chain reaction that results in organic compounds forming. Wait a lot longer, and those compounds start to evolve into more complex compounds, and so on. The hypothesis goes that given enough time, these molecules started acting like life, then became living organisms.
2. Are you kidding? Even some bacteria have eyes, though in their case its just something that can detect light. Obviously the more complex this light sensing tissue becomes, the bigger the advantage the organism has. It should be no surprise then that over billions of years you could end up with a very complex light sensing organ (which is all an eye is, its your brain's interpretation of the data collected that lets you make out objects and movement).
3. Natural selection is the mechanism for determining which genes get passed, not creating them, nor is there anything intelligent about it. In fact, some genetic diseases are present in the population because they were once beneficial to humans (sickle cell anemia is a great example).
4. And if you allow that incident to occur infinitely, it will eventually happen. Considering that the universe, for all intents and purposes, is infinite, it should come as no surprise that life managed to come into being on at least one planet.
5. See #1
6. Simply because its unknown doesnt immediatly disqualify it. That just means we havent found the answer.
7. How do these animals defy evolution? Of the two you listed: a girraffe has an advantage over other animals because its long neck allows it to reach vegitation (food) that other animals cant. A woodpecker is able to get to grubs inside trees. No need to explain how thats beneficial.
8. Way to disregard the entire primate fossil record there champ. But to be technical about it, man didnt evolve from apes, so of course there's no fossil evidence to support the idea we evolved from them.
9. There's no such thing as a "half-evolved" animal. The fact you stated something like that shows how pathetic your understanding of evolution is. You seem to think evolution means that new animals just pop into existance, or that there are dramatic changes in an incremintal fashion. There arent. Evolution tends to be comprised of many different, subtle changes that take place over very long periods of time.
10. There is no chance or coincidence involved in evolution. Once you start the process, its guranteed to occur.
As for your claim that evolution has never been observed:
- Asian elephants are starting to be found born without tusks as a reaction to poaching.
- The gene for lactose tolerance only recently appeared in humans, specifically in the European population. Link
- You yourself posted pictures of people with extra fingers, toes, and rows of teeth. This is an example of potential evolution so to speak. All evolution is is mutations that happen to provide an advantage to an organism that help it to live long enough to pass on its genes. If these extra digits were of great enough use, its very possible that people could have six fingers on each hand instead of five. Its definitly not, however, evidence of angels breeding with humans like you asserted in the post you made about it.
- Microevolution. enough said.
I do belive we have a winner.
Haha, You explained far better and in better detail than I had. Congrats and salutations to you sir! :D
People still trust the drug indus? copy and past link.
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