the phantom is just too cool for school really.samusarmadaagreed.
realityillusion's forum posts
Oh what a horrible cough! You're coughing up sh**!Oh I'm sorry *cough* Killzone 2 *cough* Motorstorm...
[QUOTE="Dualshockin"]Good for Nintendo,bad for us gamers is how I see it.HeedleGlavinAnd I disagree. I second that disgreement.
[QUOTE="skyvader"]I think your calendar is 10 days off. It is April 11th not 1st.cfamgcn
I thoght April's Fools was the 4th... but I guess I was wrong lol
:lol: Do you live under a rock?Just play the game when it comes out and then form an opinion.i just read that gamespot info thing about game informer about grand theft auto 4, and i was really pissed off.
why isnt gta4 going to be as big as san andreas? i enjoyed san andreas because you are able to wander around and free roam. therefore, the bigger world, the better. making gta4 smaller is a horrible idea. did they do it because of memory? dual layer dvds hold like 9gb and blueray holds like 50.
transportation wouldnt be an issue if they included planes!! why no planes?!?!??! if your sick enough to reenact 9-11, what would it accomplish?? i dont know anyone that would do this, and i of course wouldnt do this myself. this is no reason to leave planes out... are their at least helicopters??
comments? thoughts? THE_PSP_MAN
[QUOTE="Norg"]the ds can play games moveis dont sell good on the psp theres a web browser coming put for the dsI like PSP becasue i can do everything
Play games
WHatever u want
Now PS1 games !!!
perv my ds has n64 and gamecube games
O rly? I can play Super SmashBros. Melee on the ds now?! Stop pulling sh** out of your a**.
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