the new dimension of never has been....and it never will will be the feeling of Home working and 130 million ps3 users interacting...your mind is the 4th dimension.
You know Home has a 64 player limitation in the chatrooms, doncha'? Home is gonna be like grand theft auto but with people and no I can easily see them limiting it to 64 but that isnt counting the NPCs....and with the cell you could at least have a solid draw distance and soem serious amounts of enemies... Also, 130 MILLION PS3 users? WTF? Where did you get that figure, the 4th dimension?
130 milllion for the ps1
130 million for the ps2
130+++ for the PS3
:lol: you really belive there are 130 million people with the ps3? :lol: there are barely 3 million people with the ps3, let alone 130 million.
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