The day Valve goes out of business is the day I lose a lot of money. Don't get me wrong, it's not happening any time soon, if ever. But stranger things have happened. Tell somebody in 1990 that Circuit City wouldn't be forever, and you'd get about the same reaction you'd get by telling someone Valve won't be around forever.
The longer I can buy physical copies, the more games I'll be able to play when the downloadable interface we use now becomes obsolete, and it will. Steam won't be relevant forever, and how Newell and friends deal with that eventual change will make a big impact on a lot of people's gaming libraries.
@realjaysonguy I agree. It appears that Valve will not be going anywhere in the near-term, but even if Valve ceased to exist as a corporation, its assets would be purchased by another company. Just as Circuit City's assets were purchased by Systemax.
If Valve ever went out of business, somebody would assuredly purchase their assets, yes, but I'd be very wary of counting on a new company to spend money protecting the digital property of the customers of a failed company. I'm not sure about the legality of it, but I'm not entirely sure they would have any obligation to make Steam games playable. I would hedge my bets there's something buried in the Steam agreement that Valve or any other company has the right to deny access to your library for any reason. There's fine print rules like that in almost every agreement.
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