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Naruto UNS 2 - after story ends (contains SPOILERS!)

After you finish de story there are still some things to do. You can do one of the main 3 activities (i discovered so far):

  • catching messenger birds: i think there are 10 in total out of which you can set up 5 to get items for you. The birds are ususally found in the round ares where you had fight during the story.
  • getting pearls: there are 30 in total and you find them almost in every area you visited. Of course this mission begins during story mode. The reward for finishing this is a material used for item (forgot the name) that makes Substitution chakra free temporarely.
  • the cursed dolls: of course this is the most interesting side quest because you get to fight most of the characters in the game. After the game ends, you can set up your team (get what character you want and what tema memebsers you want) and hunt the cursed doll. Of course you can do the other two mission at the same time, because you have to walk around all over the map to find the doll.
  • some other small quests: i did several of them, but they were kind of easy and not really that interesting.
  • of course you can always get the collectables which cost money or story fragments and memory crystal which you also pick up along the way.

If you use the luck shrine on frog mountain you unlock Sage Naruto character which is really cool. Also the cursed doll for Itachi is really cool to fight as it is rather chalangeing. Rain village is kind of useless, aside from the cursed dolls there.

WOW and Virtua Fighter 5 impressions

I reached level 31 on my warlcok after a week of casual gaming and as a first impression, WOW really deserves to be the most played game on the planet. And i'm not just saying that. I played a lot fo Lineage 2, i was a GM for a L2 sever and this years I spent about 6 months playing Aion. I also played almost all free MMORPG's out there. And as a conclusion, WOW is still the best online RPG outhere.

PROS after first impresions:

  • grinding is masked by questing and you never feel you are just stuck somewhere until you gain a level
  • there are a lot of quest (i did 249 until now) and there is always some new quest just around the corner
  • there are a lot of activities: profesions, secondary profesions, instances, battlegrounds,arena etc
  • there is clear diversity between the specialisation
  • mount system is fun and actually usefull
  • the world is huge, immersive and very well designed
  • comprehensive, yet complex leveling system: skills, attributes adn talents.
  • original and varied enemies
  • intuitive progression throughout the game world and through areas
  • summon / pet systems are excelent
  • flying mounts, special mounts, unique mounts
  • special events and planed events/contests/etc.
  • cool map system, with quest representation (full of win)

CONS after first impression:

  • this game is really old so the graphics are very weak.
  • the game is vey colorfull and it makes it seems it was designed for 8 year olds
  • the characters models and animations are lame and with some exception feel broken or handicaped
  • even if there are quest, most of the game you will have to grind
  • acces to some features like battle grounds, arenas, pets and mounts is not intuitive or is not explained at all.
  • many quest description problems, map pointer problems and many more problems. (i know it is a huge game and they are continuously fixing stuff)
  • many skills are basiclly useless.
  • skill progressiong is slow and does not make a difference . (you need to have a bigger rank to fell the skill actually work)
  • still a lot of gold sellers, gold beggers and guild recruiters that spam the hell out of the chanells
  • agro and cc fell underpowered at least the first half of the game
  • no housing system to show off you trophies or to decorate as you please
  • dificult progression for main profession in first half of game
  • only 25 quest allowed in quest log
  • some sound effects are totally lame

Even if the CONS outnumber the PROS, WOW is still a wonderful and engaging game. There is a lot to do, a lot to see and a lot to discover.Virtua Fighter 5 is another game I didn't play back in 2007, when it launched and i decide to give it a try. To be honest after playing the Tekken 6, this game is awefull. So it has some nice graphics, even for 2010, but the gameplay is boring and uninspired. The controls are easy to learn and easy to use, but can immediatly lead to one button abuse games, in which you just press one button and kill the oponent. On the other hand, the impressive and fun moves and throughs which the AI does from time to time are rather hard to learn, and even harder to execute. Customisation is the most interesting aspect of the game, but i only played for a few hours so I can't actually say it this is god or not. AI is still really dum, controls are sometimes unresponsive and you can hit the oponent by pressing punch even if the distance between you two is rather big... yes "super air punch tecnique that makes a nice game fell like a cheap scam"!

Dead Rising 2 is dead... and other stuff

I finally decided to stop playing Dead Rising 2. I had enough of the ridiculous grinding and the less and acceptable value fo the game. So, aside from the nice graphics and the avarege 60 minutes the weapons fell fun this game is not worth remembering.

I continued playing White Knight Chornicles. Even if this game is kind of lame it was still nice enough to keep me playing for a total 18 hours. I'm close to finishing it, and there is still a lot of stuff to try. I tryed Georama village builder and is kind of fun, but it requires a lot of money, so i guess it was meant for the second runthrough.

And yes, close to the launch of the Cataclysm expansion, i bought WOW with Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich king and I must say there are a lot of things I enjoy, but there are also a lot of things that are kind of lame. I like the fact that there is a lot of content, that the maps are huge, the combat is fun and sometimes really inspired. Also I like the fact that there are a lot of quest so you don't get stuck with having nothing to do. On the other hand, the questing is pretty much their excuse to grind just like you would in any other MMORPG. I had also forgot how wierd the dwarsf, gnomes and the taurin look like in this game.

After White Knight I plan to play Resonance of Fate. It has been on my playing list for a few monts but I kep forgetiing abot it. I hope it is as good as the reviews say it is.

PS: i played WOW after launch but it was kind of boring back then :D.

Still having mixed reactions with Dead Rising...

I played for a couple of hours and I'm now level 10. I have acces to some combos and some weapons and have finished some quests. Unfortunatelly I could not reach Case File 2-2 mission and lost the game. Of course i could continue or start a new game and try again, but i have that feeling ... that i played this game before. I think this is because it's a 3rd person diablo. All you do,and all that counts is to run around and kill zombies. Don't get me wrong, this is very fun for a few hours, but slowly start loosing it's charm. the combos are rarelly inspired and don't change anything in the game.

I have not reached the most bad-a** weapons yet, but i don't expect gameplay to improve. I will start a new game, to see if at least the order in which you get the missions change. If the mission stay the same and the items/weapons locations staty the same then the game will get hiper repretitive after a while and there will be no point in playing it. If the level and PP cumulate and get passed from one game to the other then, after a few new games, when you get powerfull you just run around and finish the campaign and that's it. So in stead of letting you explore and grind as much as you want, you get to run on a timer, an restart the game several times, play the same missions over and over and at the end... what ????

Also,can anyone tell me if there's anything new in end-game. Thank you.

PS: please don't say "You can drive a car" ;).

PPS: even if the game is fun and looks great, it still fells like a disapointment on the long run.

PPPS: there are some problems with the controlos, sometimes in fights they are not responsive, and when using the motocycle they just s**k.

Dead Rising 2 and DB Raging Blast first impressions

It's very hard for me to understand how some game developers can mess up so much. I mean they could, at least, talk to some gamers about their expectations, about they would like to see in a game and what they would not want to see in a game. Also they could try playing a game or two and see how they feel, what the games are mission...

It is clear to me, that the developers of Dead Rising 2 have done no so such thing. They just took a awesome idea, made a really awesome game and then started to add s**t to f**k this game up. A time counter ? Seriously ? Where is the fun in that ? When you see a big group of zombies asking for a smack down, and you have to say: "I could just stay here and have some fun, but I don't think i have the time for it." They probably thought the this would make the game engaging and fast paced, but I fell like the only thing they acomplished is to take away the fun and add a serious dose of frustration. And if I'm to talk about frustration I just have to say that you can only save the game in cartain points and if you get carried away with the zombie bashing for a few seconds you might end up dead and having to restart from the last save.... Really? What where they thinking ? NO quick save ? Was quick save a feature so hard to implement ????

I'm pretty sure that after the first 3 or 4 cutscenes nobody would play the game for the boring and clique filled story. It's the zombie killing that should have ben fun and atract players, not the 'run around in the time limit with rare save points bs'. So, as first impression the game is fun and looks really nice. The costumes area fun and allow for some wacky combinations. The weapons are fun, interesting and the combinations are incredibly fun and addictive. But the pace of the game, the time limit and the scares save point take away almost all the fun. I played for almost and hour and then I got really frustrated that I could not find a save point nearby... and then I died.

The second point is DB Raging Blast. Man, these people provide a huge collection of your all-time favourite characters from the DB series. For most characters (not all) the super moves are awesome and in general when you have a fight you do get the felling that you are in the DB world. But, as GS pointed out, in terms of combat all charcters fell the same. And they actually do. There isn't anything to make them unique and this is rather sad. It's like playing to Goku with around 70 skins/costumes... Of course after a while the game looses it's charm and the repetitive 3 moves you make get to bore you more than a math seminary at 7 in evening, on a Friday... So as a first impression DB Raging Blast is made for the true fans of the series and not all gamers. If you are a passionate DB fan, this game will probably touch on so many level, but if you are just looking for some fun, this game will probably chase you away. I will still give it a shot, because I really like DB and I hope the campaing mission will be fun.

Later Edit: i just found out that the levels you earn in Dead Rising 2 stay with you in all games you start, which changes things a little. I will give this game a try afterall :D.

The PS3 Move aftermath...

Yesterday I played a total of 5 hours of Sports Champions and I was telling myself that not only is this PS3 Move fun and entertaining but it's awesome that I get to move around(even work out) while playing(I work as a programmer so most of my day is spent sitting).

Today all that enthusiasm is gone. I can barealy lift my hands or stand... I even have some difficulty lifting a glass of water. So the downside of PS Move games is that they can only be played once every few days until I can build up some real stamina.

Also,I started playing Dragon Ball Raging Blast on PS3. As a first impression, i must say that the controls are rather complicated and the camera has some issues when you area near a wall, but the super moves are super awesome (they bring back the good ol' days when I use to watch DB on TV).

First 4 hours of PS Move and other stuff...

So i just played Sports Chamions and Kung Fu Rider for about 4 and a half hours and i am beat... i can only move my fingers in order to write :)). It is just great. Of course the ideea is not something new, since WII has been around for four years, but it's great that, with only 80 bucks you can make your PS3 into a WII(no install required).

So anyway, my room is big enough to allow me to jump like a mad man for 4 hours. So I played all 6 games of Sports Champions and a half on hour of Kunfu Fu Rider and they all feel really nice and intertaining. Especially the sword fights in Sp. Champs. There were some small problems with first calibration since you have to point exactly at the PS Eye but after a few tries I got it write. And then came the fun... even my wife was like "Let me try ... Oh, hooo! Did you see that ?! I smacked that motherf***er out !!". Just kidding on the enthusiasam, but it's almost never that my wife finds a game interesting enough for her to play... so i guess it was a good investment :).

Aside from this, I finished Darksiders on the PC in a day (around 14 hours), and it was just awesome. In my opinion, it was a better and more diverse experience that the GOW series, even if the camera and the controls had a few small problems. Riding RUIN is just awesome, and the puzzles are accesible most of the time (at 3 of them I used youtube to see the solutuion). Running around and slaing demons and angels turns into a really great way to loose count of the hours. Great boos fights even though i felt they were kind of easy.

I also started playing White knight Chronicles, but the slow income of items (i mean armor and weapons) makes the game kind of boring. The story is a little to childish and has some WTF moments in it, but overall it feels kind of nice. A major problem for me is the bubble heads (at least that's how I see them). All characters seem to have really round heads... kind of freaky. I'm not really sure if i'm going to play it to the end...


So i just saw The Expendables and it was awesome. Before I go any further I must say that i am an action movie fanatic. There isn't any movie that Staham, Stalone, Lee or Rourke that it haven't seen so this movie was like a big cake for a fat kid that has been on a diet for some time.

In case you were wondering, they managed to make a movie like in the "good ol' days" where the plot really did not matter as long as there was a lot of a** kicking involved, and believe me, The Expendeblas opens the biggest "can of whoopass" out there. It's like a bunch of the most macho men you can imagine had been on a steady diet of taurine and whisky and when their minds where totally intoxicated with testosterone, and their hearts pumping with adrenaline they got set loose on the bad guys.

So each action hero gets a scene where he says some "interesting stuff" or where they kick some a** and at the end they all get together for a thrilling frenzy of bullets and explosions in order to stop and ex-CIA gone rogue. Of course you have some story to it. Some guy on the team is getting really high and wants to "hang a pirate", the others kick him of the team, only to take him back after the "real bad man"(american, not jamaican) is dealt with properly. So this about coverts the story.

The dialogue are filled with the memorable cliques of the 90's and the backgroud story of the characters... well it does not really matter since ... you know ... they are expendable. On the other hand the special effects are really cool and the fights, action camera and the details of each fight scene area actually amazing (if you enjoy fighting movies).

Overall, the movie is nothing more and certainlly nothing less that a compilation of the "90's action movies greatest hits" remastered with the current technologies which no fan of the genre should miss.

Off topic: just found out that League of Legends is free to play and I thought i gave it a try. It's actually nice, considering it's free :D.

StarCraft 2 .... this game was so worth it.

So i just finished the game on hard with almost all achievements in the story :). Still missing the "Lost Viking" achievements, the brutal achievements and the less then 8 hours achievement.

I can hardly believe that i played a game three times and i'm considering playing it again (on brutal). So, in my opinion, this game was so worth it. I also played a lot in multiplayer and got qualified in leagues (silver, platinum, gold, platinum). On the other hand i have noticed some issues:

  • first of all the battlenet achievement system has some problems and it crashes for hours at a time. (already ahppened 2 times).
  • matches have began to be very unbalanced. At first, my opponents where very close to my skills, but now i've ended up playing against platinum league players in 1v1 (and i'm silver). Those matches are not really that fun since these players are much better than me.
  • also in most team matches i played against a favoured team and in most cases i lost, as the "favoured" notification was actuyally correct. It is true that in some cases my team was able to win, but this is because some of my teammates were really good at SC2.

Anyway, the game is still very fun. I also tried to play SC1, but it totally lost it's appeal after SC2.