I'm speechless! this is bullshit! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Square threw this ip into the lake of the dead :'(
@AceOfCrismon STFU. All Eidos/Square games were nice. don't say bullshit just because of announcing one mobile game.
OH F! So disappointed :( really wanted to see a se/prequel to HR. first halo, now this shit. F*CK MOBILE GAMING!
@sexyeyes79 @PheasantSupreme @redder1111 Thanks guys, I'll definitely go for it. what a shame. GS is always late in reviews. and of course completely on time for making bullshits like Skyrim's mods and feedbacula! :/
PLZ review The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing . I'm really waiting for a review from u guys to read...
redder1111's comments