I'm just waiting for that day when hackers f*** this device. sooner or later it will happen. then the faces of microshit staff and the the people who bought this conslol will be really interesting to watch ;)
oh man this review is really awful! kerrigan's actions and the story weren't the most perfect story of all time. but it has not any problem. it's really not bad...
the story wasn't bad AT ALL! just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean that it's bad. as a part of a whole game and the second campaign, it was really great.
@evil_m3nace @Frozone007 oh look people! these guys are TRUE AC fans! ubi proud to have such dedicated fans like you! continue this great and glorious work and may the bless of Juno be with you!
@elbauto just one city and a powerful army to kill whoever you want with pressing just one button and lots of tower defence missions? i respect your opinion but i don't think so. the last three games are completely incomparable with the first two *sigh* but yeah AC:B was better than 3 and AC:R
redder1111's comments