[QUOTE="redfordo"]We are all members of this board. We shouldn't have to put up with this crap. You may not care enough about their reviews to complain, but many others do.JordanElek
What I don't understand is how the higher ups don't recognize the need for good Wii coverage. The Wii has a huge userbase, and any uninformed Wii Sports-only owner is bound to search the internet for other games they could play on the Wii at some point, and Gamespot would be the first to pop up in a Google search. People sometimes forget that GS is a business, but it seems like it would be a wise financial move to up the Wii coverage... maybe even *gasp* hire some people to help cover the load, since they're obviously lacking. The more coverage they have, the more site visitors they get, ESPECIALLY when the Wii has such a huge install base, and the more money they get from advertising to cover the cost.I don't want to pretend to be smarter than the people running Gamespot, but their lack of Wii coverage just doesn't make sense to me. Forget this whole nonsense about bias... That can't change regardless of how users complain, because they're accused of being biased against and for every console.... It never fails. But user feedback can affect the amount of coverage. At least I'd hope so....
Sorry I'm reposting this due to many errors.You have to understand that Nintendo is essentially taking on the entire industry right now and winning. Microsoft, Sony, third parties, the gaming media... everyone... and bias does exist to an extent. Let me explain.
Go back to the N64 and GC era, this was a golden age for third parties because they made games for consoles like the PS1, PS2 and Xbox, which were very flexible with third parties, and did not dominate their respective consoles with first party titles like Nintendo, which is why I'm sure 3rd parties were very pleased that a console like the PS2 had over a hundred million users. Even despite the Wii dominating this generation, third parties essentially held true to Microsoft and Sony's consoles in their business philosophies.
This kept the bulk of the hardcore fanbase on Microsoft and Sony's consoles, but the casuals and non-gamers (and of course long time Nintendo fans) moved towards the Wii and thus the divide. Needless to say, most third parties don't wish good things on Nintendo. Nor does the hardcore gaming community at large. Due to the economy, and the modest install base of the 360 and PS3, many third parties are encountering severe financial difficulties, some are even going belly up. People who frequent message forums or gaming sites are mostly made up of the hardcore gaming audience. This is the audience that Gamespot wants to please. Developers who put huge money into 360 and PS3 projects are Gamespots primary bread earner in terms of advertising. Take from that what you may.
Now add to the fact that Gamespot is likley facing the crunch of the economy right now as well, which is likley why they are severely understaffed. There are simply not enough Gamespot employee's for them to keep up.
Given all of this, which console of the three do you think is the one that's going to get shafted? Which gaming fans?
You guessed it....... us.
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