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redmetalninja's forum posts
How good of a card is the Nvidia Gefore 9300m GS with 512 mb of memory?
Cause this is the current video card in my laptop I have.
I've been searching on the net and I have seen reviews saying its a decent card while others said its a low end card. Yet I have seen the card being capable of playing COD4/5.
The other problem is most of th reviews I have come across is the 256 mb version. I have the 512 mb version. Now since I dont know much about video cards is that a big difference?
Im posting here cause the card I have is not listed in the sticky above so I dont know its ranking among the rest.
If this helps I can play TF2 on high smoothly even though is not really a high demanding game.
O i forgo to mention I played deadly shadows on the original xbox version. Is there any difference between the PC version and the xbox version? I heard th PC version had gotten slightly higher reviews.
any fans of the Thier series on here? I remember playing the game waay before considering mysely a "casual" gamer. Im thinking of buying deadly shadows on steam but $20 is alot of money for such an old game and I dont any gamestops where I live so im forced to digitally buy most of my games.
Any news on Thief 4 also? Looking foward to that too
2010 seems like a good year for the PS3, but overall I don't think it compares to 2007. So many badass games that year.
Mario Galaxy
Halo 3
Call of Duty 4
Mass Effect
Orange Box
Rock Band
God of War 2
Assassin's Creed
Metroid Prime 3
Forza 2
WoW: Burning Crusade
I think I just shed a tear. ahh brings back good memories!
[QUOTE="D3nnyCrane"]Openings are everywhere, however, job security is terrible, and they take getting fired pretty literally.Mercenary848
Do you need any military training, or do you just need to know how to stand-still in the open and shoot, and suround your enemy (who is a better fighter, then you and the six other henchmen in the room) and charge him one by one.
no training really just stand there and shoot
ever heard of the stormtrooper effect?
Im looking for a populated online shooter that is not in the CoD series, Crysis, TF2, or Counter Strike
Fromthe games listed above I only have TF2 but as for the others theres a couple reasons for my being hesitant in buying them.
CoD 4 and WAW - afraid of high requirements (posted in can I run this thread with pc specs)
crysis - high requirements
TF2 - already have
Counter Strike - hard game that is hard to pick up and play against 5 year vet players
Are there any populated online shooters that I am missing on here? Or should I just pick up one of the games i listed?
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