None of which are games. People who have an xbox have basically turned their tv's into enormous tablets/smart phones with out touch interfaces.
You would be correct however if you define app something that operates on a device as long as it has a touch interface. Then you are correct. The xbox doesn't turn your tv into a touch screen.
@endorbr Consoles and Computers do have applications and games qualify as applications. We all just need to modify our lexicon. I agree though, app has evolved into something different from an application.
@mr111111 I would quantify it like this: Mario Galaxy and Zelda are killer FIRST PARTY APPS. COD Black Ops 2 is what the author means by Killer Apps. Zelda Skyward Sword is a good game with good sales on the Wii (3.29million). The middling Mass Effect 3 out sold The latest Zelda (3.59million). COD BLOPS out sold Zelda 7 to 1. Of COD BLOP's 27m copies only 1.19 were sold on the wii. The Wii's AAA first party killer apps do out perform other platform's first party killer apps though.
Mario Galaxy 2 6.76m
Mario Galaxy 10.15m
Zelda Twilight Princess 6.51m
COD MW2 23.46m (none on wii)
My stats came from: Who knows if they are 100% accurate...
@kennyyoung6395 you think we should "bring back the good old ones, Killer Instinct and Perfect Dark"... 2 NINTENDO first party classics. Why stop there! Since its so easy to port 1st party classics from other consoles, I've been itching to play Uncharted and Kill Zone on my 360, Oh and Mario Galaxy. Just about every "good old one" from the xbox is already available in one form or another.
Backwards Compatibility! I'm jumping ship to PS4 if the 720 doesn't have COMPLETE backwards compatibility for all XBLA games, DLC like rockband songs, retail games. None of that patch nonsense Ms tried, either.
And if you can tell the difference between 1080i and 1080p (which I'm not sure anybody actually can) then ps3 is better for movies. However to get the "p" you have to pay way more money, whether you're buying or renting. So I'm not sure if BD-rom is a triumph for PS3. But the whole graphical comparison is silly.
The two consoles are so close graphically that the battle should be fought over other features. Like PS3's monumental online failure. Last time I checked 4.8 million copies of COD:MW2 for the 360 were sold, as compared to 1.2 million on PS3. The only difference between the two really is the quality of online play. 1st party servers are going to whoop 3rd party every time.
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