@shanesays5: "I fully agree. It’s over exaggerated. I understand why everyone was upset, but actually playing it has changed my mind. I wish they’d pay me to say that, but they’re not. It’s simply true"
My thoughts exactly... it's a great game. I also see a lot of comments about the campaign being too short? You do realise that this is the first chapter and they're releasing another chapter in December, which will no doubt double the length of it?
In my opinion, this game is nothing like pay 2 win. I know they've removed micro-transactions, but even if they were there, i really don't see the point or would feel the need into buying.
@sticktaler36: ConsoleHaven is right though! The game is polished, plays brilliant and is a lot of fun, it's just overshadowed at the moment with all the hate toward loot boxes and microtransactions.
RetroManHD's comments