@esqueejy: It probably didn't come across very clear, but my comment was really aimed at those complaining about the time it takes to unlock some of the hero's.
@gaminsincepong: I'm still buying too, I couldn't give two hoots about the controversy over the loot crates and grind system. I'm prepared to put the time into this game to reap the rewards. Once again the entitled generation want everything handed to them on a plate and can't be bothered to put in that extra effort.
I've been playing the demo since it went live, and to be honest, I'm not like "Wow! this is amazing", I'm more like, "Yeah! very nice". The thing that's holding me back from thinking "I'm definitely buying this", is the longevity of the game. There's basically the Arcade mode which is quite simply, 'pick a track, pick a car, do your best', then there's the Campaign in which you pass mini challenges, so once they're complete you probably won't go back to that. Then there's the Sport mode, which is probably where most will go and even that's pretty basic in my opinion. You simply set your best lap times to be then matched with similar racers for a final race... that's it then.
Wow you folks are so quick to complain. I had trouble too in the first half hour with crashes and disconnects, but it all soon settled. I actually think it's a good game.
I love this game, Dark Zone is so much fun. I see a lot of talk about bullet sponge enemies... This is true with weak weapons against high level enemies obviously, but once you start looting and modding your weapons, you can dispense the enemy in no time. If a friend joins you, then you can wipe them out even quicker. I think it's a great balance.
Evolution deserve "Developer of the Year". They've turned Driveclub into an awesome racer, always listening and communicating with the fans on social networks and actually adding features that the fans request. Awesome update!
RetroManHD's comments