As another Christmas passes and I think of how much cash ive wasted on video games I remember that I posted a blog on this site so I will update it once again and offer my opinions to anyone that will listen.
I remember I got caught up in the ps3, xbox and Nintendo war and I can safely say that the xbox has been the clear winner with both my ps3 and wii collecting rather a lot of dust, saying that however smash bros for the wii was particularly good and I got buzz for the ps3 so that we could have some family Christmas fun so they have had their uses I suppose. Nothing however was to impress me more than left 4 dead, dead space and Gears 2. These have to be the best three games ive played all year. Dead space has replaced Doom 3 for mist atmospheric and gripping story. The game is pure class and I cant believe something which so far (up to chapter4) has so much polish has come from EA. That company are starting to win my money as at a time all they seemed to produce and publish were flash in the pan games that had no real depth and simply didn't live up to their "Its in the game" slogan. Dead space is an amazing game and should not be avoided. Left 4 Dead is another which I say if you haven't got it, GET IT! Its classic valve game architecture. Switching their counsterstrike style into a coop run and gun tactical shooter, I say tactical as they really have done a great job on making it crucial for you to stick and work together.
You have to get the game to understand what I mean. Ive heard loads of people slating it as it only has 4 levels, or maps. Its clear to see that these people who are saying this have never played counterstrike and don't understand what valve have tried to do here. Maybe they don't have XBL, in which case all of their opinions need keeping to themselves as having an xbox without live is rather like giving crash helmets, elbow and need pads to a kid for Christmas and not getting the skateboard.
I bought it both for the xbox and the pc in the hope that I can create a few maps for the game or create some custom skins, this game really is born for the pc but the port to the xbox is always welcome.
An what can we say about Gears. I wasn't a massive fan of the first one but they really have completely tweaked the game for the better. The campaign is more engrossing and varied and none of the vehicle levels seem tacked on like they did in the last one. This game to me is the best of the year in terms of pure game vs online. Im not a massive fan of gears online, my heart will forever be with halo2/3 for that but they have done a few new things this time around to stop the game from being a ring a ring a roses with a shotgun. Horde mode is awesome . .which is kind of like what left 4 dead is all about but a bit more scary.
As for the ps3, im glad I spent £400 on this thing to play wipout HD, I really am. I absolutely hate metal gear, im not into the whole watch a game movie and do a little bit of controlling here and there. I like the way GS said something like "youre missing the point" if you don't like the games cinematic style. All I say to that is I think they are missing the point, we are gamers who want to play games and giving something which isn't quite a game a 10 is a bit ridiculous to me. Gears, Halo3, Dead Space and Fallout are much better games but they fall up to 2 points short. MGS online is not as great as they made it out to be and if anyone really disagrees with that and claim its best FPS/online game ever then they must like imbalanced spawn and flawed clunky controls in their games.
My biggest disappointment of the year was motogp08 made by capcom for the xbox. Didn't quite get what the point of that was. You couldn't really attack the tracks, it seemed like you just feathered the throttle all the way around the track with slipping and sliding being really unrealistic as they tried to make power application realistic . .anyway nuff said about that I had it for like 8 hours and took it back.
Three years down the line and I believe the xbox is getting to be the better console at £129 and some of the best games of all time being released over the last 12 months we can only see things getting better. FF12 has to com e out yet, an exclusive from sony taken away.
Live as always has been excellent and sonys effort has been lack luster. I couldn't log onto home for all of the beta and now its gone live I cant be bothered to download all of the things its asking you to do . . oh well maybe in the new year ill get into it a bit more . . .but kingdom for kefflings seemed much more addictive, who really wants to go through so much trouble to see each others achievements and look at a stock house . . id sooner be playing a game and talking to my friends without any real issues . . if anyone knows how to have a reliable chat with someone with the PS then please give me a mail as its totally unachievable for me.
Oh yeah I bought Scene it for £20 . .DEAL. Well infact ive just bought everything this year apart from COD:WAW and Mirrors edge. Ive played them briefly at friends but I don't think they warrant a buy at full price just yet, besides im playing much bigger and better games than these seem. Fallout, Deadspace and halo3 again being there main ones with constant online action with L4D.
Have a great year everyone with your games, thanks if anyone has read this, check out the games ive rated in my profile and see if you totally disagree, send us a mail or something and we can chat about it all.
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