@krystyla @SurfaceNerd @ricardo-sene "there is no absolute truth" ---> so.. are you affirming this is as an absolute true?
'No one should be allowed to define what a game is"..but...isn't this statement already a kind of definition? Like, he's definig the games as indefinable. Looks like a contradiction to me, right?
I didn't know his official name was TOON Link. I thought Toon was just an adjective to describe the cartunist Link, just that...
So... to say that men are not equal to woman and woman are not equal to men since their nature will be considered a hate speech? just wondering...
@canelacandy @ricardo-sene @LADIES_MAN_2013 The article says something about "for the living room machines"
@StHapns247 @ricardo-sene Ok, this I get it. I just don't understand when should I use the voice command, since the One will record automatically.
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