richest_boy's forum posts
[QUOTE="Haee"][QUOTE="stereointegrity"]to be honest i have never played zone of enders?stereointegrity
This isnt surprising, not many people have.
i just bought the second one of ebay right now haha so im gonna see whats uphow much did you pay? last time I looked they were super dear in the UK.
Picked up my copy around 8 months ago almost brand new in a charity shop for £2!!!! Best buy ever
so the way to really enjoy this gen is to buy a 360 and a wii and enjoy 4 AAA titles?
Glad I made the right choice!
[QUOTE="Eponique"][QUOTE="True-Legend86"]WTF...Since when has Wii become a console?TheFlush
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance.
Late bloomer I see.
I have a Wii and out of the 3 consoles I like it the least because it has so many games that are a disgrace to the gaming world.IMO the ps2 had a lot more shovelware. They sell ps2 games in tescos with crayons and a colouring book in the case included for gods sake.
I have a Wii and a 360 theis gen and I am still waiting for the game that makes me complete collecting this gens consoles as at the moment there is nothing of interest on the PS3
[QUOTE="richest_boy"][QUOTE="jethrovegas"][QUOTE="richest_boy"]bingo, but you didn't back up your post with facts or evidence.
I think this video starring Garey Busey should serve as evidence enough.
Looks like fun. why would this video prove the staints row will be bad? (and I thought we were talking about your opinion on SR1?)
The graphics suck ass, and Garey Busey (need I underline that name?) is the ****ing spokesman for the game. :|
How many more ill omens do you need holmes?
And the first Saints Row was lame for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which was the lame attempts at humor via stupid sex jokes, the retarded wankster characters, the pointless story, and the whole "disneyfied gangsta" tone that permeated the entire game as a whole, just to name a few issues.
the graphics I am sure will get better as this is still a work in progress game. as for the rest of your opinion one mans bad pionts are another mans good pionts. I can say I really enjoyed SR as it was a silly take on GTA and some bits are still better (driving and shooting is a lot better in Saints Row IMO
[QUOTE="richest_boy"]bingo, but you didn't back up your post with facts or evidence.
I think this video starring Garey Busey should serve as evidence enough.
Looks like fun. why would this video prove the staints row will be bad? (and I thought we were talking about your opinion on SR1?)
I think people here are missing a MAJOR design point with the whole GTA IV v SR2 thing.
The developers of SR2 know they cannot directly compete with GTA IV. That is an impossiblity.
What they do know is they can design their game - like SR1 - in a totally different direction than GTA IV, even though its still a sandbox style game.
While GTA focuses delivering a deep eviroment, and a game that is heavility story driven, SR2 will probably be completely over the top, have no story (as its completely irrellivant - only an excuse to shoot stuff), and will set to do things that GTA IV doesent.
Pretty much how SR1 managed to suceed. Did things that GTA didnt, and had a different direction. If it was a simple clone its reception would have been poor.
I agree but GTA used to be a lot sillier than it is now (chasing a van droping beastality, projecting breasts onto a building via jumping motorbikes roof to roof) and I like saints row for the sillyness
[QUOTE="richest_boy"]On system wars most people belive that their opinion IS fact
What, so an opinion backed up by logical evidence is automatically irrelevant? I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at.
You do realize that pretty much everything you think of as "fact" is just a well fleshed out opinion, right?
For instance, if you say Big Rigs is the best game ever, and I say you are wrong, and you say "how can an opinion be wrong", then I say "your opinion is wrong because of problems A, B and C, with Big Rigs", where does that leave us?
There is rarely an instance is which an opinion is absolutely 100% correct beyond a shadow of a doubt, but some opinions are more correct than others, because they are backed up by evidence.
bingo, but you didn't back up your post with facts or evidence.
[QUOTE="Flexmaster_365"][QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"]It's coming out of my mouth and it's my post.
Of course it's my opinion.
So what if its your post, saying "Saints Row is a bad game" makes its seem as though its a fact or that you have some factual evidence. Wheras saying "I think Saints Row was a bad game" means that its strictly your opinion.
What the hell is with this phenomenon of people saying "IMO"?
The guy is of the opinion that Saints Row 1 is a bad game (as am I) and he said so.
Why would you think that statement is anything other than his opinion? :|
On system wars most people belive that their opinion IS fact
[QUOTE="ithilgore2006"][QUOTE="richest_boy"][QUOTE="ithilgore2006"][QUOTE="richest_boy"][QUOTE="bobbetybob"]It may help if you explain what GTA apparently took from it. I didn't play Saints Row much, only on a friends console so I'm quite interested to know.skrat_01
1. sat nav
2. Bruice is a very similar to one of the main carictors of Saints row
(edit) 3. free aiming
there are more but I cant think of them at the moment, as I am at work!
But think, if Saints row hadn't of done the sat nav thing first then would we still be following a dot on the edge of the radar? Because that use to drive me round the bend.
Free aiming? Saint's Row didn't invent free aiming. Next you'll be saying GTA4 stole ragdoll physics from it.I wasnt saying SR invented free aiming Im just saying there are some things that SR brought to the table that are now in GTA
And you are quite sure that Rockstar never once considered having free aiming while they were developing GTA4 until they saw Saint's Row? Considering GTA4 was in development for a long time?Uhhh San Andreas had free aiming as well as Auto aim :| (on the PS2)
Remember there were multiple buttons to lock and to fire to accomidate the lock on system and using dual analouges.
liberty city stories had it as well i have just remembered. soz, my bad
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