The Far Cry 2 Benchmarking tool runs each test 3 times, and gets an average number for Avg. FPS, Min FPS, and Max. FPS. That way you can't just use the 1 "freak" benchmark run as an example and come up with the wrong idea. So put your fears of my testing methodology to rest. There were 3 runs with the FSB/HT overclock setup, and 3 runs with the Mutliplier/CPU clock speed OC. The numbers don't lie.
I don't know where you're getting this "2 fps idea," although a 2 FPS difference on 3 consecutive runs should still be enough to prove that the CPU overclock is more effective. In the results I posted, the difference is 3.4 FPS in the average FPS category, and 3.7 FPS in the Max. FPS category. Even the Min. FPS difference is more than 2 FPS. The fact that all 3 of these numbers were higher with the CPU/multiplier overclock to 3.7ghz is enough to prove my point, not yours. Granted, it's not a big difference in this particular game.. but it is a difference. Also worthy of note- the CPU was running at over stock speed (3.25ghz versus stock 3.2ghz) in the FSB/HT overclock runs, so it even had a little bit of a CPU overclock working for it too! Would you like me to drop the CPU speed to 3.2ghz or below and run the test again? It will just widen the gap.
So 3.7 VS 3.248 that's 452Hz on the CPU VS 32 on the FSB and you get what 3 FPS difference when the gpu isn't bottleneck and you cant see how you have proved me wright.And the next time somebody tries to use you for ownage like he did speak up instead of attacking me take the time to read through the threads.
My god man.. we're talking about a game that isn't even the hardest on the CPU and it's showing gains by upping the CPU frequency. Did you even look at my 3dmark Vantage results? The overclock of 500mhz that I run everyday is only a 15.6% overclock over the stock speed of my CPU. The FSB overclock of 32mhz over the stock 200mhz bus speed is a 16% overclock. Which one do you think is really harder on the system? I can answer that for you.. the FSB overclock is. Why do I need to read through the threads (which BTW, I did read most of it) when my own results prove what the best solution for myself and other people with like systems is? You asked us to do some testing, so I did. You just don't like the results.
All 3dmark products should not be used or compared with real in game benchmarks AMD,INTEL,ATI and NVIDIA try and mess with the numbers.I And i like your in game numbers they prove my point which was this.
"""""""""I see a lot of bad information going around. That a higher CPU clock will bring higher FPS and people pushing past 3GHz to 3.6 and 4.0 are not understanding whats really going on. So this is the test for yourself and see thread
""""""""""""""""The point of this thread is to show that a high cpu clock can be brought down without changing the FSB and see no performance lost and other things are more important like FSB, GPU,RAM and that each system has it's own sweet spot. Taking A 3.4, 3.6, 4.0 down by only using the multiplier will not have the same stress. So why keep a high CPU multiplier and FSB when you can lower it and remove that extra stress without seeing any performance lost?
""""""""""""That's for you to decide so take the test and find out. This thread is more about finding the sweet spot with ones own systm
""""""""""""Your wright and wrong the point of this thread was to indeed show that once your GPU was bottlenecked your CPU OC was a waste and it still applies today it was also to show that your CPU cant send or receive data faster than the FSB would allow, and to show the importance of a good OC,and to find what works best for you to actually test it and not just up the multiplier and believe it without running benchmarks its also from 9 months ago when people were claiming to get good FPS in crysis by pushing there systems into 3.6 and 4.0 without actually proving it like in this thread where things like this are still said.
""""""""""""I thought my argument was for people to test it for themselves and find out what works best on there system and to learn more about the FSB, CPU, RAM and GPU relationship and to stop people from making ridicules claims based on the I BELIEVE IN THE OC GOD I don't need to test prove or understand anything.Maybe you should read through the thread again ,and your post is full of contradicting statements and baseless accusations,do i really have to dissect this post for you maybe you should read through it again to"""""""""
these are all my quotes which makes me wonder why you think I'm against OC'ing how many times do i have to say this."""""""""""" This thread is more about finding the sweet spot with ones own system"""""""""". which makes me wonder why you became so hostile and started making accusations have you read your posts because it seems like its you who doesn't like the numbers.
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