But my opinion is correct and I can write paragraphs to explain why you're wrong. If you like something I don't you're obviously a fanboy, if you don't like what I do you're a troll.
Besides, games only get 9 and 10 scores because they paid for them and reviewers are biased, and reviewers only ever score games 8 anyway to play it safe, and they will review anything on my console low scores because they are haters; apart from that game I liked that they scored a 9 because that reviewer was different and actually good at his job.
It's irrelevant anyway, because I don't have to play a game to know it's bad I know all I need to know about anything based solely on my opinion, did I explain how it's always right?
Lol these were shit even in the 90's, I guess as a shelf collection for a retro room they have appeal but for everyone else these are just horrific reminders of how far technology has moved on.
I'd rather have a revival of the casio calculator watch, with light!
Stoked for this! I hope this trend of remaking films ends and we get more of these continuation pass the torch type films. It's a real shame when classics get written out of existence just because they're old.
It's no less, or more, offensive than the stereotypical portrayal of the fat American dad, the socially redundant geek, the English toff and cockney, the stay at home mum and on and on.
The entire show is stereotypes. As an Englishman I do not find the british stereotype offensive, I dont find the accent or the costume offensive. Liberals need to go back into education to learn what true liberalism means and stop turning the left into the sad joke it is today.
I'm still thinking of waiting for the PC release tbh, square have shown they are at least willing to invest more time after release and I'm sure there will need some work doing.
Also, I then get to laugh at all the netwhiners crying about how terrible it is and lower my expectations to an acceptable level that I'll enjoy it.
I'm thinking this is going to get trolled harder than XV and XIII, jeez it's already getting critiqued and nobody's even played the damn thing yet.
Kids on the internet be crazy, but it an amusing way.
Risingdawn's comments