They won't make more money from the VRgame than HL3. They will make more money from VR software distribution on their storefront, this VR game is purely to encourage adoption of the platform.
Which is exactly the point. They are not selling a game, they are selling a platform. The game is purely to encourage adopting VR, and more specifically Steam VR as a store front and distribution method.
As you said, if Valve gave a damn about the game it would be Half Life 3 and not a VR spinoff.
Because there is no reason for Valve to make HL3. There is no real way of monetizing a single player linear fps, and the margins of such a single purchase sales model do not outweigh the time and cost of development. Valve do not care about fans, they do not care what they want unless they can make significant money from it, and Half Life 3 is too much time for too little money.
@Mogan don't be so naive, this has nothing to do with making something they wanted to make. This game is about pushing a platform, pushing sales of hardware that will lead to other developers creating content to sell on a Valve platform that Valve will take a share of profit from with no development cost.
This 'game' is a way to exploit fan loyalty into a significant financial commitment into a platform that will generate long term financial benefit with little cost and time; little need for development of software that others will do in their place.
Valve do not care about games, they do not care about fans, they care about customers. And to them developers on their platform are their customers as well as gamers.
Aw man I'm so stoked to play another survival game, they don't make enough of them if you ask me. Chopping wood, picking plants, crafting stuff. Could do with some battle royales and live service destiny clones too while we're at it. What a gaming age we are in the middle of, awesome.
Hopefully after this we will see the end of Bioware, as sad as that may sound but right now its impossible to extract the Bioware DNA from the EA influence. It will be good to see the devs leave behind the AAA space and go independent and start creating some original IP with classic sensibilities.
They should of kept the original Robin Williams voice track and CGI'd a 'live action' likeness of Williams for the Genie. It would of made a nice tribute to a true legend.
I'm pretty sure to make it into the console space you'd need to litteraly burn money for an entire generation to simply get a foothold, I doubt these guys have enough cash to run at a loss for 4 years+
You'd need to convince enough people to buy the console as a second box for a start, subsidise enough publishers to convince them to bring a game out on the box, run at a loss on hardware, secure exclusivity, create new IP's 1st party more than likely at an initial loss.
And even then the next gen you'd have to bring out a console that sells at a loss to hit the cheapest console sweet spot to convince people to swap sides.
Risingdawn's comments