It's a handheld released at the end of a handheld generation (3DS/Vita) so people are moving onto that, and it's a home console released in the middle of a console generation so those people are buying one just to have something a bit different (PS4/XBOX pratcally the same games library)
If we are approaching an era of 2/3 yearly hardware revisions then why should I buy this and not simply buy a budget pc and every year or so upgrade something.
Why would I want to spend £500 on a console that will be outdated 2 years down the line and have to spend another £500 and then again after another 2 years.
If I cared about cutting edge graphics I would buy I PC I could keep cutting edge every few years for a fraction of the price, and it would still be superior.
Consoles work because they are cheap, easy and last a decent amount of years compared to pc not because they need expensive revisions every few years, this seems like madness to me tbh.
Why don't they just be honest and say "It depends how many people buy a switch". I don't think anyone could blame developers for sitting on the fence and seeing what the user base will be after WiiU low sales.
Also I don't understand why anybody thinks switch is going to get these sorts of titles, it's a handheld and powered as such, no way can it cope with Sony/Microsoft/PC games. Switch will see titles in the same vein as 3ds and vita, all be it much better but let's face facts, it's another Nintendo handheld not a dedicated home console.
This will be the first XBOX One game I've wanted to buy since Elite and Rare Replay came out, good job cos the poor old box been sat upstairs playing nothing but Netflix for God knows how long while the PlayStation been hogging all the game time.
I've bought 3 neo geo games for it, and I'm looking forward to SSIV next week. They work brilliantly for half hour train rides to work and look great on the handhelds screen. I wouldn't buy them for a home console but they are a great fit for a handheld so I'm glad I had a reason to try them out.
King of Fighters 98 is as much a real game as any other fighting game released in the last 20 year's and looks great on a handhelds screen.
When were those days exactly, because I remember plenty of soft locks, clipping through floors, shonky camera controls, missing audio, terrible collision detection etc etc well before day one patches were a thing.
Risingdawn's comments