I can't imagine anyone owning just a Switch, people buy Nintendo as a second console for 1st party/exclusives. Nobody buys 3rd party games on a Nintendo console because they buy those games for their ps4 or xbox.
Switch doesn't need 3rd party games, it needs new pokemon, monster Hunter, metroid, Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade etc. That's what's gonna shift Switches long-term, not some ftp overwatch crap.
They should take a look towards BOTW, this styling would be a perfect fit for Fable.
They could build an Albion worthy of exploration, fill it with humorous character and residents. Ram it full of weapons and keys and chests, armor and outfits, towns and villages.
Instead of korok seeds have mini challenge boasts. Instead of shrines have dungeons with boasts.
You could own every house and store, marry someone in every town, be cheered or jeered wherever you go.
Basically a fleshed out BOTW style Fable 1. You couldn't go wrong.
Yeah I don't disagree, consoles are definitely cheaper and easier than pc gaming. Games are cheaper on pc I suppose but not by much at launch, and even then you have to wait for one you want to pop up in a steam sale.
But I don't think console gaming would be cheaper if we start seeing a £400 ps5, then 2 years down the line a £500 ps5pro, then after another 2 years a ps6 and so on, especially if like me you like to own several consoles.
I'm not saying it will come to that as I don't think console consumers will buy into this fast turnaround and will instead by base models cheaper instead of the pro versions and then the manufacturers are sat with expensive hardware costs and poor sales. But they'd like us to all drop our current console and splash out on every new revision if they had their way.
Console gamers won't buy a more expensive box that plays the same games. They rarely ever buy anything but the cheapest when new consoles come out.
And nor should they, we like to buy a cheap box and forget about it for 6 years, sony and microsoft need to take their greedy eyes off smartphones and realise that only works because of monthly payments and annual upgrades.
Not if you only aim for console levels of performance, 1080p 30fps mid graphics etc. You look at about £600 outlay but after that, to keep games at that level you barely have to drop £100 every 18months. A cheap graphics card here, some more RAM there. You'd be surprised how cheap pc gaming really is when you're not pushing for performance.
Not that I can be arsed anymore tbh but there was a time I loved pc.
Because it would no longer be 3 consoles, by the end of the year it's 5, ps4 pspro xboxone scorpio switch.
You add a ps5 a year later, an xbox2 to keep up, an inevitable Switch revision say an XL and a docked only model and then you'd have 8.
The older gamers amongst us have seen this before, console manufacturers getting greedy and burning the market, nobody knows what to buy because it's all 3rd party releases, AAA titles stagnating because nobody dares do anything different due to such massive budgets.
Consumers are not going to be happy if a year and a half after buying their pro or scorpio something new comes out.
If this were actually true (which I don't believe for a second) we would be looking at an Atari style gaming crash, just from hardware instead of software as far as consoles go as more and more people give up on trying to keep up and instead move over to pc gaming.
Risingdawn's comments