Which makes it neither a port or a remaster, in the west it's a new game. And I know what it is cheers bud, By your logic Monster Hunter 4U was a remaster or port, which is also grossly incorrect.
No but due to the graphics scaling options of ue4 it means that future developed games will be able to be scaled for release also on Switch.
This is the main reason we have not seen 3rd party releases yet on Switch, it's not powerfull enough for straight ports being a handheld, but with ue4 this could all change.
Ofc Nintendo will probably **** it all up by not signing and paying developers to utilise/incentivise developing for Switch but at least we can safely blame Nintendo for lack of developer interest and not limitations from the underpowered hardware.
Not sure if there's any ps4 titles, don't think so though. Even with better prices it would still be worse than this as here you download the games not stream them.
This was one of only a few games I actually played over and over again in ng+. Stoked for this re-release it's been a few years now since I last played it.
That's a great deal, beats psnow hands down. Grats to XBOX for this one, not enough to get my sub though as I barely have time for the new titles coming to ps4 and switch atm but credit where it's due.
Risingdawn's comments