RollerCoaster Tycoon, now that's a game I miss. Just hope if someone picks it up, they don't turn it into an always online social networking mess like with Sim City.
I've had both the 360 and ps3 from launch and I must say I the ps3 has been a much more reliable piece of hardware for me. annual RRoDs from 360 but my ps3 just YLoDed about a month ago. However, I had still planned on getting both this generation as well.
After the xbox one reveal, I'm not so sure anymore. For me personally, as a gamer looking at next gen gaming consoles, the ps4 is definitely more attractive. However, I would not be surprised at all if xbox sells more consoles, at least in the US. Things like the NFL partnership make it appeal to a wider audience here.
The hardware are similar enough but more importantly, many of the top selling games are multiplatform 3rd party games that will likely perform similarly on both consoles. So I think the wider array of options, while seemingly unnecessary for a game console, could potentially shift sales in favor of the xbox for an average consumer looking for a single system. Think about parents buying a video game console for their kids.
What's the point of these things. It's the same as anything else in the entertainment industry. Watching violent movies and shows would have a similar affect. Listening to explicit music would have an effect as well. The only real difference is parents are a lot dumber about following ratings on games than they are on following ratings on everything else.
If all this attention helps get parents to treat video game ratings the same way they would look at movie ratings, then that's great. Getting all the little kids off the online community would help everyone anyways.
Unfortunately, people are likely going to use this as an excuse to unfairly censor games which is a shame, but I guess that's all you can expect when you have ignorant people calling the shots.
Honestly I think it's hard for video game review sites to review fighting games. For actual fighting gamers, all the fluff doesn't really matter. However for the broader audience, fluff can matter a lot and as a review aimed at everyone, Maxwell's criticisms are valid but at the same time, they don't matter for fighting gamers.
As for balance of a fighting game, that's not something you can get from an initial review since it takes time to breakdown the system. Similarly, as to whether a fighting game feels smooth and fun, that's too subjective to get someone else's opinion. Play the demo if you want to get a feel for it. Personally I don't like the stiff feel and animation of MK9 or Injustice but there's plenty of people that find it fun.
The only things to take away from the review for fighting gamers is that there is a good enough training mode, there is spectator support, there's no replay channel, and the netcode is serviceable but not amazing. Everything else, including the score, doesn't really matter. The story is cheesy sure but that should have been expected especially if you've played MK9. For non fighting gamers, the points made by the review are things to consider.
@shreechandel The game isn't hard at all. The strategy and what not are more reminiscent of older "die and learn" type of games sure but really even then everything is mostly just common sense. Still, common sense doesn't seem to be too common anymore.
Mostly the image of Dark Souls being difficult is part of it's overall appeal. It makes people feel accomplished and what not for playing the game. It creates a sense of elitism in people who think they are "true gamers" because they played Dark Souls. When in reality, at it's core, the game is very easy. It was somewhat true of Demon's Souls but it's even more so for Dark Souls since it's even easier and more mainstream.
Going further, there's also gonna be people that just go around saying the game isn't hard to sort of prove how even more "hardcore" they are. Not talking about speedruns, a simple run through of the game would take maybe 3hrs. That it took you "just 40hrs" should say something by itself.
@picho86 @rkzhao I haven't been impressed with a Bioware game since BG2 so I wasn't really disappointed with DA. It was pretty much what I would have expected from Bioware now which is not much.
I'm just not a fan of the blatant marketing ploy being used by this game. Kinda like the same marketing ploy Bioware used when they said DA was a spiritual successor to BG2 but even more forced. It just kind of turns me off more than get me hyped.
If the game turns out good it'll speak for itself and I'll give it a shot regardless of what it's called or who's "spiritual successor" it suppose to be.
rkzhao's comments