By no means does she criticize my hobbies. I game all the time on my Pc and PS3, might have exaggerated a bit! I mean she wasn't "bitching" about my purchase, she was just a little bit rattled when I got my 3ds, that's all. Anyways, its my money after all and I provide for us comfortably so there really isn't a problem. BTW I don't see her playing video games any time soon, as she's technologically handicapped lol. I might convince her to get into WoW, its just one of those games that hooks you immediately. Its awesome that couples here share this hobby. Who knows maybe I'll force her pick up the 3ds haha :D
I am 30 years old, married and I work as broker dealer where I live. I got my 3ds two days ago, and my wife bitched at me that I was too old for that crap lol. Anyways, how old are you guys and what age do you think the 3ds is meant for? I am by no means doubting my purchase, its just that I dont see any of my friends with a 3ds :D Btw, one of the main reasons I got the 3ds was for Zelda, but I plan on getting many more games.
I got my 3ds XL yesterday, im pretty hyped! Although I havnt started playing it yet due to the huge back log I have on Pc games. Anyways, the first game I plan on playing is Ocarina of Time. I believe someone told me that nintendo was working on a new Zelda for the 3ds, is this true?
[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ?? I just built a new PC with a 680 (very happy too), see specs below....and people are talking about getting another one or upgrading already? :(FelipeInside
If you game higher than 1080p or multi monitors it's worth getting another one. Oh righto. I just game on one monitor, 27'' at 1920x1080. And what's with this TITAN thing? don't they say it's slower than current cards? Not sure what you mean? The Titan is the fastest single GPU currently in the market. I pointed it out because Tc said that he doesn't want to run into SLI issues, so he might just as well get a GTX Titan that performs similarly to two GTX 680s.
[QUOTE="Brean24"]Alright so I turn 17 in 27 days and where I live that means I can actually get a decent low-paying job. In other words I will actually have my own money. I got a GTX680 for my birthday, and I was planning on getting a 2nd one down the line for SLI. However since the 700 series which I know is a refresh is coming out soon and Maxwell which is a entirely new architecture is coming out some time in 2014 I believe I'm rethinking that a little bit. On one hand two 680s will certainly beat whatever single card solution I could buy from the 700 series in terms of pricing and raw performance. On the other hand I have had issues with SLI in the past, and it appears the flickering that has been a problem with SLI for as long as I can remember is still not fixed, as well as the various small issues with SLI that varies from game to game makes me want to stick to one card. I don't need a upgrade, my current setup while not as good as the GTX480 SLI setup I had(same hardware different graphics cards) is much more efficient and much cooler. I can pretty much max out every game out there including Crysis 3, though my frame rate is not 60FPS unless I lower some settings. However I have had this computer since Spring 2011, and while it has served me well, there has been 2 generaitons of CPUs that have been released since I built my computer(yes I built it myself). Is it worth upgrading to the 700 series, or should I wait for the 800 series? Is there a huge difference between my I52500k@4.3GHz and the new Ivy Bridge or other new CPUs? I guess the most important question is am I over-thinking this? Why not sell your current 680 and get a GTX Titan?
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