I get that they're following Nintendo down the route of a family entertainment device, but so far everything that has been announced that has hardcore gamers in mind is negative. This sucks.
@trdrstv @DoublesWorld Yeah. I thought that I'd be weighing the pros and cons of each console but it looks like the Xbox is already out of the race. If Sony follows suit, I guess I wont be buying a console at all :(
@MAD_AI @rocketsatdawn Yeah, I heard good things about Kerbal space program and Prison Architect looks like it could be good. I'm kinda hoping that there will be a sale on Kerbal space program at some point soon. Also Surgeon Simulator as that looks like some dumb fun. :D
@MAD_AIAw man an I love playing the games whilst in Beta. I did it with Dont Starve and Warframe. I'm planning on getting the new Dungeon Keeper at some point soon.
@MAD_AI Yeah, PC gaming is the cheapest of the lot. I spend 80% of my time playing steam titles. I bought Chivalry: Medevil warfare for £6.45 this morning. 66% off. I also recently bought portal and portal 2. It was about £4.50 for both.
@hunter8man I don't want a Wii U as it's not really my style. But yeah, Nintendo really is starting to look like a saint in regards to next gen. I bet that this fiasco has put a huge grin on Mario's face.
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