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rocktimusprime Blog

Why do I even bother with System Wars?

Call me a born again gamer.

Before I started posting in system wars, I cared nothing for flops, AAA's, exclusives, ports, NPD, attach rates, ownage, hype, none of that.

I enjoyed games for what they were. I let my mind decide what to buy, and what to think about my consoles. I've been a Gamespot user for nearly 10 years, a member for about a year on this account, and I had one I can't remember when I was much younger. I always came here for reviews, and occasionaly news. I used to get magazines sent to my house, and I used to play the games that interested me.

Now I go to System Wars for my news. I put up with mindless arguing over cooling fans, and which port has the best textures. I care about sales, and talk about hardware trends with SW users, not truely understanding why I am even doing this. I wonder if my anticipated games will score well, so that way I can say "hey this game was really great," and not have to hear "OMG FLOPZORS!" I engaged in silly debates over could one system sell more than another, just trying to reason with people to think before they make silly claims.

I'm not doing that anymore. I've drastically stopped posting SW, or at least in threads that are obvious arguements. I've toned down my posting because being funny or making a witty joke could lead to seven day moderation. I've stopped caring what everyone says about sales because I want to enjoy my games. I've simpy stopped caring for this forum that was once an exciting place of debate. There was great news stories, funny threads, lots of ownage, it was great

Now I'm sick of it all. There is nothing new or exciting about system wars. It's just the internets biggest collection of whiners. PS3 has a good sales year and it's suddenly lies, and not possible. 360 gets cool news and it's "omg how can u uze youze gotz the RROD!@!!" Wii gets a AAA game, and accusations of the reviewer trying to save his job fly around.

It's the same dog and pony show every day, and there is no reason to believe anything good will come out of SW ever.

Back to my born again statement. Here's why. I just rented out TUROK for the 360 and you know what. I am really enjoying it. It's not perfect but I implore you to give it a chance, or at least give the demo a chance. It won't win any awards, but the old school Turok fan in me is really enjoying this, despite some obvious flaws.

So I go to SW and see a thread "turok will get AAA." I laugh because I know that's not happening, but when I get inside, it was just a joke about the banner ads on the site. Ok pretty funny. But then I just see post after post of people who haven't even played this game bashing it. "Do Not Want!" "OMG That game sucks," "I hate trash like this," "It will be lucky to get a 5!"

Having played it, I'd give it a pretty modest 6.5 but that because I have played it. A whole community just gang-raped a game, having never played it, and just because it's a bit cookie cutter. So I gather from this info that the majority of SW never actually plays the games we discuss, or let alone gives games a chance.

I feel bad for Kevin V or Aaron Thomas, they write great reviews, and then have to listen to fan boys pounce on them stating they have no clue what they are talking about.

No SW, I think it is you who has no idea what you are talking about.

I know i've been more pro-Wii-360 but you know what. Screw it, I'm going back to my gaming life without SW. I'm not leaving, I just don't care about this silly little forum that has become a tribal war over products. If that makes your life better, fine, enjoy it.

For me, I enjoy playing games, and that's what I'm gonna do.

Later Mr. Lesnar...

I hate Brock Lesnar. Who can really like a roid rage freak, whose gimmick was "i'm unstoppable!!!!>!>" Booooooring.

So it makes me very happy to hear that his UFC debut was soured by Frank Mir. It took 90 seconds for Mir to make Lesnar submit. Lesnar started the match the way anyone with no true MMA experience did, he threw his meat fists around and tried to use his roid rage to his advantage. Lesnar was then treated to why the UFC is the UFC, and soon found out he was fighting a mixed martial arts master. Lesnar learned that Vince McMahon was not going to come interfere with a steel chair, he also learned that MMA fighting is real. Lesnar tapped out, and then proceeded to look dumb. The man who caused so much hype, so much talk about pro-wrestlers moving to MMA, proved he had no clue what he was doing in that ring.

Good Riddance. I hope that any other WWE wrestlers think twice about coming to the UFC. Learn how to fight a MMA match, and don't expect your pro-wrestling experience to do anything in the "octagon."

Other than that, DMC4 and Lost Odyssey on the horizon, and I sincerely hope that the new ps3 sku will have BC. If not I'm probably just going to buy a 60 gig used again.

FF7 = Finishing Disc 1

Well I'm exactly where I was when I stopped playing FF7 when I was in middle school.

I'm about to enter the Temple of the Ancients. I specifically took action to make Tifa go on the date with me, and was kinda dissapointed. I know when I played it years ago I took Aeris and I am not sure if it was pretty much the same deal. I'm level 34, and Aeris whom I have horribly neglected is only 26. So I need to buff her up a bit, but mean while Tifa is a freaking beast. Currently I pretty much party with Red, Cloud, Tifa.

Looking back on years ago and now, I missed a lot of humour back then, and I appreciate it now. I understand Materia better, and have found quite a few summons I never came across. The story is probably one of the best in gaming ever, and I pretty much like most of the characters. (exceptions Vincent and Cait Sith) I am really kicking myself for not playing this earlier and finishing it, but better late then never.

I have beaten FF8, which to date is still my favorite, but I understand why people like 7 so much. I simply can't put the game down, and as of writing this, I am wrestling with myself to not go back and play more. Unfourtunately I have to work in the morning, and then I have class, so it's time for a break.

So sorry No More Heroes and Burnout, but FF7 has really engulfed all of my gaming time.

The odd thing is, playing FF7 has made my interest in Lost Odyssey go up. Maybe I'm just in a JRPG mood, or dying for a next-gen RPG that is worth my time story wise (looking at you Blue Dragon...worst story ever.)

I still have Chrono Cross to play since I own a copy of that, and the FF Chronicles with Chrono Trigger, so maybe when I am done with FF7 and if I am still dying for great rpg action, I'll rip in to those. I have beaten those though, so I won't be so lost :)

I bought a Psone....

I have lots of great PSone games that have been collecting dust since selling my PS3. I'm currently saving money and decided not to buy a PS2, but go ahead and just get the PSone.

The main reason?

Final Fantasy 7.

I have never beat it and to avoid pulling a Cooper Lawrence, I want to beat it to have a real opinion on the game. I have played it before but never to the end, so here goes nothing.

Got tips? Just let me know as I will finally after some 10 years attempt to venture past disc 1

DMC4 Demo-Impressions

Rule #1 of Demos. Don't give time limits. Just give a small, completeable portion of the game that can be fully enjoyed by the public. Timed demos really just limit your enjoyment because you are trying to cram everything into a small amount of time. I know they are preserving thier game and trying to hype you, but honestly, just let me enjoy it!

With that out of the way.

DMC4 was pretty good. Nothing too special gameplay wise, although I loved reving up my sword. I'm still getting used to Y being the attack button, and the guns seem pretty worthless. Pulling off slick combo's is still as fun as ever, and it's one of the best games graphically.

Nero really isn't a big jump from Dante, and personally I like the change of character. The Devil Bringer is neat, and I am looking forward to seeing it's true powers, not these dinky throws and grabs. One of the best parts about games like DMC4 is that the further in you get, the more badass you truely become. It's going to be a blast having fully upgraded weapons and Devil Bringer, although to be honest the demos powers were pretty weak, but then again its a demo.

I also see no difference between the PS3 and the 360. They are pretty much the same, and controller preference will be your only divider. Although I will admit it is kinda weird playing DMC on an Xbox controller. It isn't bad, and it's very good, but you spend so many years with a Dual Shock in your hand for one series, it's bound to feel different no matter what.

I'm not getting the AAA vibe, not because it's bad, but mainly because I feel it really isn't doing anything that hasn't already been done in other games, or the DMC series.

It's just a very good game, and it offers a vast amount of fun to anyone who wants to enjoy it. I am happy that it is going to make the Feb. 6th release date, and while I'm not jumping out of my chair at this moment in anticipation, I can tell you that I will definately buy this game.

Predicting an 8.0 or 8.5 here. Possibly a 7.5 if the reviewer has negative pre-determined opinions of combo-based action games.

Gamespot, your in the spotlight for the next 3 weeks....

Concerning your reviews.

Since I was a wee-little gamer I went to gamespot. I remember one getting internet in a hotel room while my mom when to a company conference, and surfing gamespot all day, even writing a few reviews, just for fun. I loved this site. It had news, reviews and though I never grew to love any particular editor, I felt it was the best website for reviews.

Now I am no so sure. With Jeff's firing, and the staff jumping ship, I feel like Gamespot is losing my interest. I played Kane and Lynch, and the score was correct. It was fun, but I agreed with many of Jeff's problems with the game. Now he's gone and I wonder what that game would have scored if he had not reviewed it.

The point is, there are quite a few games coming out with high profiles. You have No More Heroes, Devil May Cry 4, Burnout Paradise, Smash Brothers Brawl. Four titles that have generated buzz, but will they live up to it? Well I used to come to Gamespot to help me decide how to spend my money. Now that is changing.

I want to see the quality of review these games get in the post-Jeff Gamespot. I want to see if the gripes are the type of gripes a great reviewer makes, or if the games get glorified for the sake of money.

Will Devil May Cry's high profile in turn lead to a high review? Will it get a free pass on some issues just because it is Devil May Cry? Will No More Hereos get dumped on for style over substance? Will it get a good score because it is violent? Will it's fun, playful pandering to the hardcore's be noted or ignored? Will it get a bad score because there has been no advertising on the site? Will Burnout Paradise be fairly judged considering how the game has completely changed, and is likely to turn away fans of the series? Will Smash get a 9.5 just because or will the reviewer really understand what makes a great game?

Will Gamespot prove they have a shred of credibility left?

All eyes are on you, and the rest of the gaming world. There are greener pastures, but I have always been a loyal person, so please prove to me you are worth getting my gaming news from.

2007 Rockti-List.

Yes, It's late, but better late than never. Here are the best games of the year according to me.

GOTY = Bioshock

Sports GOTY = NHL 08

Action GOTY = Crackdown

Adventure GOTY = Super Mario Galaxy

Racing GOTY = Tie, Motorstorm and PGR4

RPG GOTY = Mass Effect

FPS GOTY = Orange Box

Best Game No-one Played = Command and Conquer 3

Worst Game Every-one Played = Def Jam Icon

Worst Game Of The Year = Lair

Didn't Live Up To Hype = Tie, Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword

Life Time Achievement Award = Konami for Contra 4 and the series.

There you have it! Let's begin 08!

Dead God, Please Save the SW I Knew...

I remember the day vividly.

The Motorstorm review. It was the much hyped "come back month," for the PS3, March 2007. Cows had high hopes. GDC provided a glimmer of hope, and Lemmings were fending off Mass Downgrade claims. Sheep touted sales and awaited Super Paper Mario. SW was an exciting place to be.

The review came in and there was much comedy. Major damage control, classic ownage threads, hype threads that put people on the spot light and justification of the score. Then it all ended and it was buisness as usual on SW. The same thing happened for Ratchet and Clank, and Mass Effect. The flop effect, the greatest thing you can witness on SW.

But now we may be getting moderated for such actions. We may not even hype games anymore. We may not even be able to use the respective fanboy names unless its in the "spirit," of the TOU. What the cock is that?

I understand why some rules need to be made but at the core of my problems is removing stickied threads that had a purpose. We had hype threads, hype archives, and AA,AAA archives and then a cornerstone in the SW community, Bets.

Some accuse SW of being a "game." I accuse them of taking SW so seriously, they have forgotten why SW was created.

It is a safe haven for the fan boy and all the topics that nobody wants to talk about on the 360,Wii and Ps3 boards. So why try and legitamize a board that was never made to be a place of intelligent debate to begin with? I'm not saying that SW can't have good debate, but in all honesty, SW is supposed to be fun, not a book report.

I just wish that our mods would realize that SW needs little tweaking and it was fine 2 months ago, so what exactly is so bad about it now?

I want my old SW back, not this bastardized forum where one man's "vision," gets put into action while everyone else has to sit back and have thier opinions and thoughts ignored.

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