@M-S-M-S @SolidTy both games are terrible. DayZ is officialy in beta and developed by few guys..so everyone is like "yep, its crappy..but hey its made by few guys.."
On other side - warz = big company so it should be polished? warz = dayz.. same situation.. both games are in beta, both games are buggy and unfinished.. both games are developed by small team. Just because Dayz was first, it should not be taken as perfect.. when its not. Both games are crappy.
And he is saying about 24/7/365 service? Tell this to gamers that bought EA game barely 2 years old and multiplayer is already not working cause they shut down servers. CoD from Activision have still working servers on CoD1/2. So where is BF1942?
omg, srsly? why gamespot write articles about this? This guy is most hated person on this world. He is talking bullshits. with everything. EA is not able to success in game types where competition is needed, so at least he talks bullshit. Like with swtor. Like with "new ip on console now is bad".. and then dishonored and xcome poup. He is just fkin moron. And no, BF3 is not from EA, its from DICE.
But I still think wiiu will be more family console, than "pro" like x/ps3. If you see whole lineup of games, it contains more "cooking mama" style of game that any "heavy rain" style of them. Yes, they made attention with zombiu and few ports.. but tell me how many originals are there from nintendo that is for adults. Zero. Nintendo is like ruled by some kid who wants make mario, and cooking mama and zelda that looks like preteen girl. They just want sell you another overpriced old piece of hardware. Its sad.
But I will still buy it. Why? Because that "mii" thing, can be nice..(like home on ps3) + graphic will be better, and i am fine with these mario/zelda games. They are unique and if I want play relax games, I will play these, just on better graphic and with fun original controller. So i am ok with that. But I know many players will not. Im working in commercial industry and i am watching wii u pretty close and if you will watch news, and games that are getting on preorders... you will see it for self. For example voice chat limited.. so no talking with friends like on x360 (tru different games)..etc...etc This is not truly next gen, when it does not have standards from current game. its on half way.
I Dont understand why so fuzz about this. People still not get into it after all that things with Steam x years earlier? Origin is at least light app compared to fat and slow Steam
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