aka yes, Wii is most sold console.. but games? they are not. wii games are weakest selling games ever. even weaker than on PC. So nintendo must change strategy, or after few years no one will like to mess with them.
I dont know why they just dont make normal hw capable console. Ugly games for kids and party can be there too. + they are saying no more nunchuks.. no more stupid controls, we are back to gamepad.. so why not make good console that will compete with others on market where it matters
GUYS - LOOK HERE google have that document in cache http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:svCSLAOCG2YJ:www.scribd.com/doc/92821757/XBox-720-9-24-Checkpoint-Draft-1+&cd=1&hl=cs&ct=clnk&gl=cz
tsunami - lotro is not pay2win, no eu/us mmorpg is pay2win. only korean ones. This game is trainwreck since day 1 (I still played it) they know it. When I told on Gamebreaker.tv few month ago this game will be down by summer.. I was right. They are closing servers cause ppl transfered and half of them are empty.
Hm but how people on wallstreet decided to dump zynga stocks? Why ? They got info about how much people stop buying Zynga credits? I dont know anyone who bought Zynga coins..
When Ps3 has to come, I saw FF tech mode and it was ground breaking.. this looks like 5 years old game on PC. + Its always fail to show next gen tech show on fantasy genre. Better is fantasy - complex cities, billboards, vehicles.. not that weirdy inside cave where we cant see anything.
@Wedge55 that is not true. Rift cost around 20$ mils. Vanguard Saga of Heroes doesn't cost much more. Only one game that cost more than 50M was SWTOR (and there is no one who really believe it cost 100M)
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