@zatorys bah, just shut up with this nonsense. Dark Souls is made for old school gamers? Nonsense. I play game since the 80s and I hate Dark Souls.
Difficult games in the 90s had good SAVE GAME SYSTEMS at least.
Dark Souls is more like BATTLETOADS... so irritating in its difficulty that it ends up not being fun.
Oh, I am sure plenty of people also got so satisfied when finishing Battletoads. Sorry, but if I need to break my gaming system in frustration BEFORE I feel satisfaction, the game is not for me.
@OldKye nobody feels the need to name call and insult everyone who enjoyed the game. However, the problem is not people who enjoy the game, but the fanboys who view it as perfect and bash everyone who doesn´t like it.
@Navardo95 Well, I agree with that, although I do like Skyrim. But I still think Skyrim should have the size of Daggerfall, because the small villages with 50 people which are supposed to be huge cities really piss me off, as well as the mountains which are actually quite small when you compare to the size of the trees in them. (and their proximity to the towns). Not sure if I qualify as a Skyrim fanboy if I have these criticisms haha
@stretch_tucker @Gelugon_baat @syztem Did you read the review???
"And as for reversing the negative death effects, Dark Souls II seemed to be trying to purposefully mislead me. When the game writes that you should "use" an effigy to become human again, it means to use it as an item, despite making it something called an effigy and displaying it prominently as a thing you burn when you're sitting at a bonfire."
He clearly says the game SAYS to use the effigies, but it´s not clear on HOW to use them.
@stretch_tucker @rogerpenna @lukasbaz if he plays 25 hours and doesn´t understand principle core mechanics, the fault is in the confusing mess that Dark Souls is, not on him.
@telanstus @rogerpenna His job is to give a view of games for other players, not kiss a game ass just because some players who say they are "hardcore" think the game should have its ass kissed.
He portrays the views of MANY other players. Including mine, and I have been playing games since the 80s, including plenty of games considered ultra difficult.
@telanstus @rogerpenna He did the exploration, and even so found it difficult to find the needed info. Therefore, he is an example of what MANY players think of Dark Souls.
Now, just stop being a fanboy and accept criticism.
@superbuuman I played some 15 hours. Closed the game and never played again. I sincerely do not miss it at all. Only thing I miss is the money spent with it on Steam.
I really dont find any fun into having nerve breakdowns playing a game. If a game wants to be difficult with me, at least give me a common save game system.
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