Gee, I hate these Gamespot graphics comparisons in made in video!!!
like if video compression did not interfere with graphics quality!!!
Gamespot, please do the old PICTURES graphics comparison. Crisper images that you can open one in each tab of the brower than flick between the tabs are MUCH BETTER!
Played Under a Killing Moon and Pandora Directive back in the 90s.
The new game is great. Kinda like on the low budget side of modern games however. Their budget was the kickstarter and they spent most of it paying the actors, and the FMVs. I suppose there was not much left for having really good modern 3D graphics, making everything interactive, etc.
btw Cameron, while it´s true nobody was ever turned into a bloody pulp because of acceleration in games, it has happened in sci-fi books.
you should read The Forever War, by Joe Haldeman. Aside the collapstars, a kinda of wormhole that ships use to move hundreds of lights years in the book, the rest of the physics is quite realistic, including lorentz distortion on time and space due to speeds near that of light (collapstars are usually very far from star systems, so the ships must travel months/years, approaching light speed, before reaching a collapstar to make the jump).
Of course, travelling near light speed compresses time in the ship due to lorentz factor, thus when the ships from the war return to Earth, the few days/weeks they spent travelling from collapstars to star systems and back, actually amounted to decades/centuries on Earth, all their relatives dying of old age in the meantime.
@Megamoss1984 a G is a G. And the vacuum of space has no relation to it.
Astronauts feel weightless in ORBIT because they are in freefall. They are still attached to the Earth´s gravity field (if their speed above the planet was zero, the ISS would fall to the ground).
What happens is that in a stable orbit, they are in an exact velocity in which they move as fast as the ground of the planet falls away due to curvature, so they are constantly falling (being pulled by Earth´s gravity).
If they reduce the speed in relation to Earth below (horizontally), the ground will approximate faster than they move in relation to the curvature. If they increase the speed (horizontally), they will increase their orbit.
Now... things in orbit move fast (about 15 thousand kilometers per hour), but they are not ACCELERATING.
G is a measure of ACCELERATION, not of SPEED. In the vacuum of space, the moment a ship turns off its thrusters, it will stop accelerating, but since there is no air drag, it will continue to move at the same speed.
You only have acceleration WHEN using the thrusters to increase speed. In vacuum you don´t need to use thrusters to MAINTAIN speed, because there is no air drag, unlike in the atmosphere, where a plane must use it´s jets to KEEP it´s speed, otherwise air drag will slow it down until it stalls.
Current propulsion technologies are based on chemical thrusters. Rockets have tremendous power but they burn TONS OF FUEL per second. They can only maintain acceleration for a few minutes, before they use all their fuel.
Ion thrusters or plasma thrusters on the other hand, have the same power as a hamster´s fart. But they are continuously expelling fuel, little amounts but at tremendous speed. They can´t win against air drag or Earth´s gravity, therefore they can´t be used to launch rockets.
But at vacuum they can be used... because they will work for MONTHS, continuously increasing the ship speed with very tiny accelerations (let´s say, 0.01G). At the end of months, the ships (usually probes or satellites) are faster than a rocket that accelerates at 4G but uses all it´s fuel in 5 minutes would be.
@Zloth2 according to NASA´s Dr Sonny White, who is researching warping space (he has a laboratory where he is making laser experiments to see if he can create tiny spacetime distortions), the ship would would have a flat ring around it that would generate a bubble, so the ship can´t be very long (or part of it would be outside the bubble.
in this talk, Dr Sonny White discusses his mathematics that decreased the amount of exotic mass needed to create the space time distortions from Jupiter quantities to around a single one ton of exotic mass. Towards the end of the video, he shows a slide with an old artistic depiction of a warp ship and then he discusses what differences his warp ship based on physics and mathematics would be like.
In fact, they are showing a 13 year old game (Morrowind) and a 8 year old game (Oblivion) which still have so much life thanks to mods.
That´s just greater and even more awesome about PC gaming.
ps: Oblivion looks awesome with that ENB. I would like Bethesda to make a trade-off in polygon counting for MUCH BIGGER MAP, MUCH BIGGER CITIES and HIGHER POPULATION COUNT, if the graphics still looked at least as good as that of Oblivion with this ENB.
It would be really nice to see a real sized Imperial City with crowded streets.
@telanstus @Gelugon_baat just black and white eh? What about people who don´t like COD hand helding but also don´t like the way Dark Souls is confusing ON PURPOSE?
@tightwad34 "It's pretty obvious this guy is used to having his hand held."
bah, I've played games in the 80s and 90s. So I am USED to NOT having my hand held. And still, Dark Souls is stupid in it´s efforts to HIDE things from players and to make everything confusing. Let me go back to play some old difficult games on Emulators, instead of this pretentious games that only serves to make people who play it to boast on the internet of how they are superior.
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