what I want to know is what brazilian STADIUMS will be in the game. Because I spotted there the Castelão, which was a World Cup stadium but is not used in Brazilian Série A (because no team from Ceará State plays in Série A)
So I am wondering if instead of using the real Série A stadiums (including the amazing beautiful Gremio Arena) they just reused the World Cup stadiums.
Oh my god Cameron, you missed the youtube video of the Robot Swarm that is REALLY like the one from COD-AW
Because it´s a swarm of quadcopters... flying robots!
EDIT: removed the youtube link because someone already posted it below.
They show up to 20 small robot quadcopters acting as a unity... flying in formation, changing formation to pass obstacles (like windows), and crossing each other in a 8 figure...
the 5.8 at IGN and 6 at Gamespot are the most mindblowing reviews I ever saw. This game is a jewel. I am 10 hours in. And I know people who have finished and say it was good and intense to the end.
I agree reviewers may have disliked a FEW things. That should give the game a 7.5 or 8 rating. Not a 5.8 or 6. It´s the favorite game of MANY people this year. The bad ratings can hurt sales and end hopes of better games on the franchise.
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