If developers just enable their games to receive mods, players will fix any shit they release in the games.
Really... the Skyrim I play on my PC is NOT the same Skyrim Bethesda released. I have spears. I have to drink and eat or I die. I have to wear fur cloaks in the snow, and make fire and camp at night, else I can die from the cold of Skyrim. I can call my horse with a horn, I can have multiple followers, dragons are much fewer but much more powerful, etc, etc, etc.
Oh, did I talk about the graphics? Yes... its better than a lot of shit they will be releasing for XBOX720.
Ok, very pretty. But sincerely, I preffer graphics to stay current quality and instead spend my graphics card power to render two images at the same time for stereoscopic 3D in an Oculus Rift.
OCULUS RIFT is the "real" next-gen, not even fancier graphics.
I would sometimes trade ultra realistic graphics for other things... like maybe Skyrim not as good looking for instead having a world (and mainly cities) as big as those from Daggerfall, with thousands of people on the streets instead of a "town" with 15 people and a "city" with 50.
Whats so immersive about having each person in a city with its personalized inventory and things to say, but having a city with only 50 people living in it? Sorry, but small cities and a continent that is 4km across is an IMMERSION breaker for me...
Really? Put that money elsewhere and maybe get double or triple or investment? In 4 years? Good luck with that.
As for your previous example of investing 100 bucks and getting back 187 over 5 years... if I invested only 100 bucks in anything over 5 years, the 87 profit would be good enough considering my low investment. If I invested 10000 and got 18700 return, that would be a nice investment. Most safe investments take much longer to double.
@Konuvis Well, SW Republic Commando did not have the best graphics around in 2005. Half Life 2 and Doom 3 were both from 2004 and had better graphics... Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay too.
My math is probably horrible, but Tomb Raider is selling for about 60 dollars (at XBOX360 and PS3) and $50 dollars on PC.
Lets do an average and use $55 dollars, even tough XBOX360 and PS3 sales together (at $60 a unit) are probably higher than PC sales. So I am being kind at my maths here, using this average, because a true average considering units sold for each plataform would probably put it nearer the $60 dollars mark.
Anyway... 3,4 million copies... multiplied by 55 dollars. Thats 187 million dollars.
I thought 87 million dollars was considered a profit. Furthermore, games do not stop selling after 2-3 weeks. Tomb Raider will still be selling in the next weeks for the same price, and then selling even more for cheaper prices.
Finally, Tomb Raider HAS a multiplayer mode, and I doubt many people bought it because of the multiplayer, all the while I bet the multiplayer mode added some 15 million dollars at least to the budget.
La Mulana is actually based on old KONAMI games developed for the MSX computer plataform, like Kings Valley 2 and specially The Maze of Galious (Knightmare 2).
rogerpenna's comments