@spas2k: Bayonetta 1 is not an easy game and there is no way you will mindlessly button mash your way through it with ease. I recommend to keep pushing forward. 5 minutes is nowhere near long enough to get a feel for a game. I'd give it a couple of hours at least.
I like this list but I can't recommend the Gold wireless headset to anyone. The headset is overall great but they break way too easily. When I read reviews I didn't understand the complaints because I had mine for almost 2 years. The issue is I moved my PS4 to the bedroom and kept the PS3 in the living room. This caused me to move the headset from room to room and I was very careful and the thing still broke. You almost have to treat these like a newborn.
Most of the games I buy are single player. Though I am guilty of waiting for price drops since they'll be just as much fun a few months to a year from now. Multiplayer games are great but the industry should have both kinds of games. Just look at a masterpiece like Bloodborne for example. Single player games are here to stay. Vote with your wallets gamers!
Definitely buying a Switch soon! I always wait until a console has about a handful of must buy games but Bayonetta 3 is a must for me. Between this, Mario Odyssey and BOTW I'll be entertained and satisfied for many hours. Very happy they're porting over the first 2 as well.
@7tizz: I know you're a big Xbox fan from previous convos we had but now you're being a full on fanboy...2017 was not an A- year for Xbox. It barely deserves a B and the only reason it would even get that is because the X is so powerful. Seriously, start playing on every console (PC also) and don't have blind loyalty to any of these companies. Hold them all to a very high standard. Cuphead is a good game but for it to be the only game released this year that you mentioned says a lot.
The sleeper hit on that list for me is Runner 3. I was hooked on Runner 2! Which reminds me there are still some levels I have to beat (and get a perfect score) on hard.
@Legend_of_Link: For someone who seems to have their life together it amazes me that you confused a website reporting facts with being bias. If anything this was the wrong article to make that statement.
@tonyleo01: Yes the PS3 was a very powerful machine when it launched. It was definitely impressive. At least to me and my friends it was. Granted we weren't PC gaming at the time. You're right about 3rd party games running better on the 360 but after a couple of years I felt most devs figured it out. The exclusives really showed off the power in my opinion. I just really think MS could have stuck it out with the X1S is all. The X is out now so we'll all just have to see how it does.
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