@NeoCloudZero: I know he meant the actual console but I'm surprised he made it seem like they need the actual retail console at all. A development kit would be all they need in order to make games for it. It was just an odd response. I would have just said no Switch version in production right now and kept it at that.
@jesterofbass: Another thing they did was make the VR portion a timed exclusive for the PS4. Doing silly deals like that will always hurt their overall sales number in my opinion.
@@s7eventhheaven: Do you have proof that PC players didn't buy Dead Rising 4 because they chose to pirate it instead? I was under the assumption that the DRM and being exclusive to the windows store is what caused it to sell so poorly on PC. Also, Windows 10 was a requirement for this game until it was released on Steam last month.
I do agree with you though that 3rd party games should be on as many platforms as possible. I am not a fan of these times exclusive games. In due time I am sure it will be on PS4 and hopefully the Switch.
Kind of surprising they don't have Switch dev kits. Even Tekken Tag Tournament 2 made its way to the Wii U. I guess next year gamers will see what the 3rd party situation is on the Switch. Right now it is not looking good.
Cross platform play would be a great feature. I'm glad to see PC doing it with both the PS4 and Xbox 1 in certain titles. That is a good start. Maybe they are seeing how that goes first before they decide to do this?
#@airdrigh: Have to correct you there...the PS3 ended up outselling the 360 Worldwide. I think the 360 is an amazing console and I still play it today but facts are facts. It was last place last gen as far as console sales go. It also isn't just about power. Consoles back then were also made differently from one another. PS2 had DVD playback and their games where also DVD's which gave it an advantage over the Gamecube's mini disc. It also had a one year head start over both Gamecube and Xbox.
N64 was more powerful but sticking to cartridges limited the games that could be made for the console. Which is why many developers chose to side with Sony. I think only this current gen between X1 and PS4 matter in terms of power as both are very similar to the other.
@noshotskill: If that was true then the Wii U would have been a success. 13.56 Million Wii U's sold is a huge fail for Nintendo. I think if anything the portability of the Switch is why it is selling so well and of course Zelda. Not because millennials blindly support Nintendo.
@sladakrobot: I thought they did but I think they were just talking about Forza. I must've misread something. Sad really as I would prefer 60fps over anything else at this point.
@khanwashere: I forgot about the whole checkerboard rendering thank you. I can see that being more close to reality than Native 4k. Also, since this is still a console that most likely will choose graphics over performance I just don't see 60fps being a reality. For older games yes but newer titles I doubt it. Maybe at 1080p.
Proud of Microsoft as competition is great. However, I have my doubts with the native 4k/60fps claim. If they can pull that off for $599 or less than that would be amazing. I am not a fan of mid gen console upgrades which caused me to go PC recently but this is a solid upgrade. So good in fact Microsoft should just make it a new generation.
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