@santinegrete: It's not like it would be a one man operation. I'm sure Valve could afford to hire a very competent group of developers. Many in the team would be Half-Life fans themselves, so they would do the series justice. Just look what a few fans did with Black Mesa. Why not hire some of those guys?
The guys who made the game "Prey" would also be good. Prey is an AMAZING game. Felt like Half-Life mixed with Bioshock. Very underrated game.
@Dilandau88: Yeah, I know. Oculus Rift headsets go for over $500. I just can't justify paying that much for one game. Unless I could find a place that rents them?
@santinegrete: As long as you're still dying a lot, then you are playing on the right difficulty.
What you don't want to do, is be able to Rambo through each level. Don't know about you, but I get bored playing games if I'm not challenged. But what I always hate, is when there is a lack of checkpoints. That's never fun.
I thought DOOM 2016 was very fair with its checkpoint system. There were even some checkpoints during boss fights. Which is how it should be.
@hardwenzen: Last DOOM I started on Ultra-Violence, and then played a 2nd time on Nightmare. I have to admit, Nightmare mode on DOOM 2016 seemed easy compared to classic DOOM nightmare mode. Which actually felt impossible. I just assumed DOOM 2016 would be like that. Which is why I started on Ultra-Violence my first run.
One good thing about playing on Ultra-Violence your first playthrough, is it will make your 2nd playthrough on Nightmare mode still feel somewhat fresh since it will offer you a whole new challenge.
And I'm sure DOOM Eternal is so good, that it's worth finishing twice. How could it not be? Everyone says it's better than DOOM 2016, and DOOM 2016 is my favorite videogame of all time. It was so good, that every game I played after has felt boring.
@RaveNRolla: Actually, it's the other way around. More framerate means better performance. So the higher the framerate, the smoother the game will look.
@ronaldmcreagan: they're banking on speeds of 120fps so you'd think 60fps would be child's play. I don't necessarily care about 4K but give me buttery smooth visuals
I don't care about 4k, either. Not in the least. Just give me 60FPS and I'll be more than happy. I've been wanting this since the PS2 days. I'm so stupid, that I actually thought the 30FPS era would end with the launch of the PS3. How wrong I was.
@gotrekfabian: He's right. 6000 deaths worldwide. During the 2017-2018 flu season, the death toll in "America alone" was over 60,000. Don't believe me, look it up yourself.
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