@srfilk86: I'm not buying because the Switch doesn't have backwards compatibility
I've never played any game on the Wii or Wii U, and would like to. If the best Wii and Wii U games ever come to the Switch, then I will immediately purchase the console.
@nintendians: I recently ordered a new computer with a RTX 2060. And was very surprised to learn that a 1080 is still better. So yeah, you're still more than good.
As long as I can hit 60FPS at 1080 on medium settings, I'm more than happy. And I'll be able to do that with a 2060.
@sparent180: Don't blame you. I wouldn't even pay $75 to buy the game.
I think $29.99 should be the price for all new games. Which is why I just wait till there is a price drop. Another advantage of waiting, is all the bugs are patched. So you end up paying much less for a better quality product.
@zander80: Gameplay wise, Gears 5 is just more of the same. They mixed it up a bit with the robot you can command, but that gets old fast, and like I said in my previous post, you are forced to scour the map looking for upgrades. The whole game just feels like one big chore.
If they do make a Gears of War 6, they need to get rid of the hidden upgrades system, and none of this playing as a "strong woman" SJW nonsense. Let us play as Marcus again.
@gamerbum: I still haven't finished the Gears 5 campaign. Been on it for several months now. I just can't find the motivation to finish it. That whole grrrl power bullshit really killed the series for me. I also hated the fact that in Gears 5, you have to look for your upgrades.
I can deal with lame collectibles, since I just ignore them, but when a game forces you to look for upgrades, that totally ruins the experience for me. Instead of playing the game and having fun, I have to run around and explore everynook and cranny looking for much needed upgrades. Sorry, but there's nothing fun about that.
@randomhero24: Games never "look great" running at 30FPS. At 30FPS, once you start looking around in your environment, everything looks blurry. At 60FPS, everything always looks nice and crisp.
@saikowaifu2003: You really should sell your PS4 and just wait to play the last exclusives on the PS5 at 60FPS. The way I look at it, if a game can only run at 30FPS, then it's not ready to be played. Think of it as a game still in early access beta mode.
ronaldmcreagan's comments